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    pr n 專有名詞

    • 1. 佛陀

    n 名詞

    • 1. 佛像
  2. ( 梵語 : बुद्ध ; IAST :Buddha; 巴利語 : Buddha ),又稱佛陀, 佛教 術语,意譯為「 覺 者」,「覺悟者」 [1] ,「悟道者」,是 福 慧 兩足尊,也就是福德和 智 慧 修行 圓滿者。. 按照佛教的說法,佛有 十個尊號 : 如來 、 應供 、 正遍知 、 明行 ...

  3. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › The_BuddhaThe Buddha - Wikipedia

    Siddhartha Gautama, [e] most commonly referred to as the Buddha ('the awakened'), [f] [g] was a wandering ascetic and religious teacher who lived in South Asia during the 6th or 5th century BCE [4] [5] [6] [c] and founded Buddhism.

  4. 释迦牟尼 [註 4] ,本名 悉達多 · 喬達摩 ( 梵文 : Siddhārtha Gautama , Siddhāttha Gotama )(前623/563/480年—前543/483/400年 [註 2] ),古 南亚 地区的 思想家 、 教育家 、宗教家、 哲學家 、 婆羅門教 的改革家, 佛教 奠基人。. 释迦牟尼出生於今 尼泊爾 南部 ...

  5. 佛教 (英語: Buddhism )原為約前6世紀 古印度 迦毗羅衛 國(今 尼泊尔 、 印度 邊界間靠近尼泊爾)的王子 悉達多·喬達摩 於35歲達成了解脫生死的修行目標,且成為了相關能清晰教導眾生 佛法 的 佛陀 後,對弟子開示的“苦、集、滅、道”( 四聖諦 ...

  6. 2024年7月12日 · Some forms of Buddhism hold that there is only one buddha for each historical age; others hold that all beings will eventually become buddhas because they possess the buddha nature (tathagatagarbha). All forms of Buddhism celebrate various events in the life of the Buddha Gautama, including his birth, enlightenment, and passage into ...

  7. 佛教修证的最高果位。. 佛陀是梵语音译,简称佛,也译为浮屠、浮图,原意为觉。. 觉有三层意义:一叫自觉,即所谓自悟本性;二叫觉他,即所谓说法度人;三叫觉行圆满。. 具备这三点的“觉悟者”,就可称佛陀。. 据说,释迦牟尼在三十五岁那一年 ...

  8. 2011年2月17日 · Buddha. The Buddha (fl. circa 450 BCE) is the individual whose teachings form the basis of the Buddhist tradition. These teachings, preserved in texts known as the Nikāyas or Āgamas , concern the quest for liberation from suffering.

  9. The life story of the Buddha begins in Lumbini, near the border of Nepal and India, about 2,600 years ago, where the man Siddharta Gautama was born. Although born a prince, he realized that conditioned experiences could not provide lasting happiness or protection from suffering.

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  11. 2002年10月2日 · The Buddha. The history of Buddhism is the story of one man's spiritual journey to Enlightenment, and of the teachings and ways of living that developed from it.

  12. The historical Buddha, referred to as the Buddha Gautama or simply as the Buddha, was born a prince of the Shakyas, on the present-day India-Nepal border. He is said to have lived a sheltered life of luxury that was interrupted when he left the palace and encountered an old man, a sick man, and a corpse.

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  2. Learn About Stillness and other practices. Would you like to learn what Enlightenment is all about?

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