雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Yahoo字典
    KK [bʌgz]

    a. 形容詞

    • 1. 瘋狂的
    • 2. bug的名詞複數

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  2. 3 天前 · 誘蚊器指數最新情報. 現時,本署在社區共選定64個監察地區,以監察病媒和計算下列四種不同的指數:. 分區白紋伊蚊誘蚊器指數 (分區誘蚊器指數);. 分區白紋伊蚊密度指數 (分區密度指數);. 每月白紋伊蚊誘蚊器指數 (每月誘蚊器指數);以及. 每月白紋伊蚊 ...

  3. noun. uk / bʌɡ / us / bʌɡ / bug noun (INSECT) Add to word list. B1 [ C ] a very small insect. 小蟲子. 範例. Hang on - there's a bug in your hair - let me get it out for you. Will this spray get rid of those little black bugs that are attacking my shrubs? We lifted the stone to see if there were any bugs or worms underneath.

  4. 2024年1月18日 · 蟲媒疾病. 分享: 登革熱. 本地病媒生物學. 白紋伊蚊 (Aedes albopictus) 卵的抗旱力很強. 孑孓在所有類形的細小積水處 (樹洞、竹洞、空罐、輪呔、地漥等)孳生. 成蚊在胸背和腳都有白色間條. 成蚊棲息在樹叢不適用. 成蚊雖喜在室外活動,但亦會飛進室內. 雌蚊在日間吸食血 (高峰期出現於日出後兩小時內及日落前兩小時內) 飛行能力不強 (約100米) 登革熱病的病媒. 病媒監察. 誘蚊器. 自二零零零年起,食物環境衞生署 (本署)使用誘蚊產卵器監察伊蚊的成蚊。 本署不時檢討監察登革熱病媒的工具和方法,並在二零二零年四月起採用新的的誘蚊器取代誘蚊產卵器,以監察登革熱病媒伊蚊。 誘蚊器的設計簡單,是一個約六百毫升的黑色塑膠容器,其內放置一塊黏膠板,並設有具小孔及灰色傘頂的黑蓋。

  5. 安全,孩童寵物友好的方案. 專業床蝨處理服務. 床蝨一擊清,從此獲得清净空間。 瞭解更多. 50 多年來,我們一直保護香港的物業免受害蟲侵害. 我們所有的技術人員都是訓練有素且經過認證的害蟲控制員. 創新和獨特的害蟲防治方法,有效地解決害蟲問題. 4.9 rating of 467 reviews. Leave a Google review. 白蟻. 蚊蟲. 老鼠. 蟑螂. 螞蟻. 顯示更多蟲害種類. 酒店與度假村. 餐飲業. 商業辦公室. 學校及私人機構. 設施及物業管理. 其他行業. 特別優惠. 個人空間空氣淨化機限時優惠. 抵擋空氣中的流感等各類病毒,至抵優惠多達6折. 瞭解優惠詳情. VK商用空氣淨化機優惠. 獲醫院、大學等各類機構認可使用,可租用或購買. 瞭解優惠詳情.

  6. noun. uk / bʌɡ / us / bʌɡ / bug noun (INSECT) Add to word list. B1 [ C ] a very small insect. 小蟲子. 范例. Hang on - there's a bug in your hair - let me get it out for you. Will this spray get rid of those little black bugs that are attacking my shrubs? We lifted the stone to see if there were any bugs or worms underneath.

  7. 2024年3月13日 · As we explore the various types of bugs and insects, we encounter various species, from enchanting butterflies to perilous mosquitoes. Insects play vital ecological roles, such as serving as food for countless animals and contributing to pollination. Every insect also shows unique adaptations and reproduction.

  8. 2023年3月7日 · About Insects. All insects belong to the phylum Arthropoda. But unlike other arthropods—like lobsters, spiders, or millipedes—insects have three pairs of jointed legs, segmented bodies, an...

  9. 2024年7月2日 · Insects are distinguished from other arthropods by their body, which is divided into three major regions: (1) the head, which bears the mouthparts, eyes, and a pair of antennae, (2) the three-segmented thorax, which usually has three pairs of legs (hence “Hexapoda”) in adults and usually one or two pairs of wings, and (3) the many-segmented abdo...

  10. 2019年10月16日 · Insects: The Ultimate Guide. Facts, pictures and information on Insecta – the largest class of animals on Earth. Discover the characteristics of insects, their life-cycles, the roles they play in their ecosystems, and why they are so important for life on Earth….

  11. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › InsectInsect - Wikipedia

    Insect. Appearance. For other uses, see Insect (disambiguation). Insects live in a world of motion. This leaf-footed bug climbs wind blown grass and flies off. Insects (from Latin insectum) are hexapod invertebrates of the class Insecta. They are the largest group within the arthropod phylum.

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