雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The innovative cafe TOO brings a high level of creativity to casual dining. Ten cooking theatres, each featuring a different culinary style, are showcases for exciting international cuisines, as well as stages for our chefs’ engaging performances.

  2. cafe TOO與多間本地知名食府合作,為您呈獻一系列經典香港滋味的自助餐盛宴。 一樂燒鵝. 米芝蓮星級食府一樂燒鵝早於1957年開業,其鎮店招牌燒鵝讓一眾美食家們趨之若鶩。 泰昌餅家. 遠近馳名的泰昌餅家曲奇蛋撻,曾獲「全香港最美味蛋撻」美譽。 低調高手大街小食為香港馳名小食店之一,其正宗雞蛋仔及多款特色口味一直廣受歡迎。 精選菜單. 大都會美食風味. 細味由資深大廚炮製的環球佳餚. 香格里拉會會員限定 – 成人及小童自助餐價目. 立即免費登記 ,盡享獨家禮遇及賺取香格里拉會積分: 瀏覽自助餐價目表 – 2024年7月. cafe TOO菜单. 細味由資深大廚炮製的環球佳餚. 瀏覽單點菜單. 瀏覽早餐菜單. 瀏覽「港式·港食」菜單. 香格里拉會會員限定 – 成人及小童自助餐價目.

  3. Cafe Too是我近期心水推介,食物種類選擇多又高質,地方寬敞,坐得舒適,巨型竹簍內盛著新鮮切割的龍蝦,以大蒜和荷葉蒸煮而成,另有原味清蒸,龍蝦鮮嫩爽甜,絕不能錯過。

  4. cafe TOO自助餐的精選包括雪蟹腳、麵包蟹、日式刺身、即製泰式沙律、燒特級美國牛扒、火喉十足的燉湯及原籠小籠包等。 而一向受歡迎的甜品固不遑多讓,多達8款不同口味的雪糕、即製班戟和梳乎里等在美食舞台上大放異彩。

  5. The innovative cafe TOO brings a high level of creativity to casual dining. Ten cooking theatres, each featuring a different culinary style, are showcases for exciting international cuisines, as well as stages for our chefs’ engaging performances.

  6. 2024年3月7日 · To celebrate a birthday with your family, a buffet is really a good choice if it caters to a wide range of tastes, has a variety of styles, and is reasonably priced. Among the many hotel buffets, the quality of this restaurant’s food is the most guaranteed, with a wide

  7. Complimentary lunch and dinner buffets at cafe TOO for guests who aged 70 or above Offer is available for new bookings made for visits from 1 to 5 October 2021. Please book online and select ‘CTND01’ in the promotion dropdown menu to avail the offer.

  8. Hongkongers love a buffet, and Cafe Too is among the city's most popular. Expect to see multigenerational families who've opted out of dim sum brunch, as well as groups of friends catching up...

  9. 港島香格里拉酒店 café TOO 推出全新海鮮街主題自助晚餐「海鮮街:香港滋味的自助餐盛宴」,場內新增咗超正嘅即撈煮海鮮,活魚池內有新鮮嘅龍蝦、鮑魚、蜆、海螺、蝦等等,食客可以享用不同料理方法嘅海鮮,包括蒜蓉蒸波士頓龍蝦,茅台醉蝦、辣酒煮

  10. Cafe TOO at Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong. 4,017 likes · 4 talking about this · 4,675 were here. International Buffet | All Day Dining Restaurant located at Level 7 of Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong

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