雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 尋找專門店 | Calvin Klein 香港. 22 香港及澳門專門店: 太古城中心 Calvin Klein Jeans and Underwear. 香港大古城道18號太古城中心地下031 & 033號舖. 2591-9763. 營業時間. 11:00am - 09:00pm (Mon - Sun) 品牌. Calvin Klein Jeans, Calvin Klein Underwear. 查看方向. 國際金融中心商場 Calvin Klein Underwear. 中環國際金融中心商場1096B號舖. 2537-0100. 營業時間. 11:00am - 09:00pm (Mon - Sun) 品牌. Calvin Klein Underwear. 查看方向.

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  4. Welcome to CALVIN KLEIN Hong Kong. Apparel Underwear Activewear Accessories More. Free Shipping | Easy Returns. Shop online now.

    • 2178 0518
    • customerservicehk@calvinklein.com
  5. Calvin Klein Underwear HK operates a network of 14 stores in Hong Kong, including one shop within Langham Place mall (8 Argyle Street). Founded in 1982, the label has been credited for being the first global designer underwear brand in the market.

  6. There are seven Calvin Klein Jeans store locations in Hong Kong, including one shop within Harbour City's Gateway Arcade (3-27 Canton Road).

  7. Calvin Klein 是世界頂尖的國際時尚生活品牌之一,作風一貫大膽,絕不墨守成規,同一理念貫徹我們一切所做。 品牌於 1968 年在紐約創立,以簡約主義及性感美學概念,主導產品設計和溝通手法,創造了一幅承載可無限表達自我的畫布。

  8. Calvin Klein Outlet. L2 226B. 2109 0671. 11:00 – 21:00 (Mon – Thu) 10:30 – 21:00 (Fri – Sun and Public Holidays) Offerings under this label include men’s and women’s jeans and related apparel, which are distributed worldwide, and accessories, which are distributed in Europe, Asia and Brazil.

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