雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. CARDIFF SIXTH FORM COLLEGE. OUR UNIQUE APPROACH. How do you achieve high grades? What form of education suits highly academic students who are looking to enter top universities? What do we need to offer to give our students the edge? These are questions we ask every day at Cardiff Sixth Form College. Like our students, we work hard at our studies.

  2. Cardiff Sixth Form College 是一所英國頂尖預科書院,歷屆學生升讀醫科的成功率非常高學校為報讀醫科學生提供完善支援,聘請校外機構開設醫科入學試 BMAT 和 UCAT 補習班、批閱個人陳述書(Personal Statement),以及不時舉辦醫科講座和組團參觀大學醫學院。

  3. We are delighted that you are considering applying to Cardiff Sixth Form College. Our friendly and helpful marketing and admissions team will be delighted to help you through the process and answer any questions that you may have. Please do not hesitate to contact us on admissions@ccoex.com and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

  4. Cardiff Sixth Form College has been the top school in the UK for A Level results for over a decade and is one of the top A Level schools in the world. The College’s results are outstanding with well over 90% of students gaining the highest A* and A grades, consistently.

  5. Here at Cardiff Sixth Form College we believe in giving our students a wide range of A Levels to choose from in any subject combination. Students receive between 24-30 hours a week of scheduled class time and in addition can attend one to one tutorials on a daily basis.

  6. Cardiff Sixth Form College, abbreviated to CSFC, is an independent mixed education sixth form college in Cardiff, Wales for 15- to 19-year-olds. The college is owned by Dukes Education.

  7. Cardiff Sixth Form College (CSFC)成立於2004年,是一所小型私人補習學校,致力於開創一種新的教學方法,結合小班授課、個別關注和優質教學,以培養學生的潛力。 請閱讀以下我們對CSFC的全面評論。 學校基本資訊. 學校類型:男女合校. 就讀年齡:15-18歲. 學生人數:365人. 預科生人數:340人. 寄宿比例:95% 學費:日間學生 每年£22,300 - £25,600. 學費:寄宿生 每年£52,800 - £58,000. 2023年A-Level A*-A成績:94.7% 2023年GCSE A*-A成績:84.1% 學校概況. Cardiff Sixth Form College的公開試成績相當優異,致使學校聲名大噪並快速擴張。

  8. 我女兒起初考UKISET先,再考Cardiff 試卷,我女兒說考得唔係幾好,再考IELTS,我自己覺得應該收我女兒是面 ... 請問ukiset和IETLS 要幾多分先有機會,可以比個參考我們嗎?

  9. Cardiff Sixth Form College 位於威爾斯首都 Cardiff 2011 年起是全英國高考(A-levels)成績最佳的學校,在英國高考排行榜裡名列榜首,漸漸成為不少有志升讀頂尖學府,以及醫科、牙科等高競爭學科的學生的升學選擇。. 校方因此對學生有高期望,並在升班安排上有 ...

  10. Now part of the Duke’s Education Group of Schools and Colleges, Cardiff Sixth Form College has consistently excelled in average A-level results, and Oxbridge and med-school applications.

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