雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 有多間大學研究人員從不同的汽車內裝採集樣本,確定車輛內有多種細菌污染明顯高於普通廁所,常見的有被稱為糞便細菌的大腸桿菌、葡萄球菌及蠟狀芽孢桿菌等等。. 隨著汽車貼膜的出現,這項技術引入了新的汽車保養方法,與傳統的油漆方法有所不同。. 這 ...

  2. 葵涌. 葵涌和宜合道97-107號百新大廈停車場地下. 電話:2357 0838. 星期一至五 09:00-19:00. 星期六至日 09:00-18:00. (星期日及勞工假期休息) 網購條款. 私隱政策. Facebook.

  3. With the advent of car wraps, this technology has introduced new methods of car care that are different from traditional painting methods. This includes learning how to properly clean your...

  4. 特價. 車廂蒸氣消毒護理 + 氧能量O3車廂空氣消毒淨化 + 洗車吸塵. 定價HK$2,168.00. 定價HK$2,510.00 售價HK$2,168.00. 單價/ 每. 特價. 特級精華水晶蠟 + 車廂蒸氣清潔護理. 特級精華水晶蠟 + 車廂蒸氣清潔護理. 定價從 HK$2,288.00 起.

  5. Service introduction: According to the government's annual inspection guidelines, a thorough inspection is conducted before the official vehicle inspection, and 4 liters of engine oil are replaced to improve the vehicle's engine performance. We will inspect your car

  6. After completing the government vehicle inspection, guests can choose their favorite beauty services according to their personal preferences and use the beauty e-Coupon to give their car a new look. Services include: 48-item full vehicle safety inspection (one

  7. Service introduction: Government Vehicle Inspection Portfolio According to the government's annual inspection guidelines, a thorough inspection is conducted before the official vehicle inspection, and 4 liters of engine oil are replaced to improve the vehicle's engine performance. We will inspect your car safely and qu.

  8. Service introduction: According to the government's annual inspection guidelines, a thorough inspection is performed before the official vehicle inspection, and 5 liters of Motul 8100 X-clean+ 5w30 engine oil is replaced to improve the vehicle's engine performance

  9. The service includes a comprehensive pre-inspection (Pre-MOT) before the government vehicle inspection, inspection at a government-designated vehicle inspection center and a government vehicle inspection fee of $585.

  10. 卡士汽車護理(香港)有限公司私隱政策 本網站為卡士汽車護理(香港)有限公司汽車服務有限公司(「卡士汽車護理(香港)有限公司」)所擁有。本私隱政策是為告知您我們對於在網站內資料的收集、使用與透露的操作。在您進入本網站使用、提供資料前,請仔細閱讀本私隱政策。使用本網站 ...

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