雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2021年3月24日 · CCKG近幾年都保持到約30-40% 的男入DB和約30%的女入DG。 當然,學生人數少,計入兩拔的人數自然不及其他名幼,但論入兩拔之學生比例,CCKG和寶山應該算是最高。

  2. 請問CCKG通常收咩幼稚園黎嘅學生? AlissaKate 17-1-5 18034 nsfng 17-2-12 23:59 deleted peanutbuttercup 16-11-30 35622 peanutbuttercup 16-12-10 00:10 有無家長試過改interview日期?咁岩interview day個日先返香 leeann627 16-12-6 23406 matrixfaye 16-12

  3. 平常心啦!我同事2年前好高興話比我知佢個女考到入CCKG, 佢個女又係英文好好,父母並非專業人仕,之後仲專登由青衣搬去九龍塘住,上年小一派位,我都想八卦体吓派邊間,同埋問吓佢考唔考到DGS嗰d學校,佢冇答我派到邊間,只係話派得中上啦,咁我問佢有冇考私校?

  4. 2021年7月11日 · About CCKG - why it's so outstanding: - the school philosophy and way of educating the child is great. Encouraging child to be independent (e.g. they have to take out their textbooks themselves when they enter classroom, teacher won't do it themselves or check parents' feedback to school...) and they are not pushy in stuffing kids with 'difficult' learning.

  5. 2019年12月17日 · 聽聞 神幼係: CCKG, 聖公會,寶山等 名幼係:SC, LH, KV 不過我都咁肯定,有意見既媽媽請加入資料。. tombaby 發表於 17-12-19 14:07 神幼好似係指有好多學生入到神校小學 (e.g. Spcc dgs and)的幼稚園, 但可能呢D學校收生較少 (一級80個至18 ... tombaby 發表於 17-12-19 14:07 神幼 ...

  6. 2016年9月3日 · cckg 基督堂幼稚園 Or Victoria? ILikeToDream. 大宅. 1677. 發表於 16-9-3 14:40 | 顯示全部帖子. 小兒有CCKG offer, but he enjoys his school life in Victoria very much, targeting all DSS 直資小學, how should I choose?

  7. 2015年3月3日 · 回覆:CCKG - 2nd Interview 收到信,衰左 返回頂部 pollyllk 複式洋房 201 發表 ...

  8. 原文章由 epyeung 於 07-11-19 14:59 硐表 有沒有人知道CCKG會幾時Interview?Interview過程是會問小朋友什麼問題? 不過唔係所有遞表人都有機會面試㗎, 張通告原來真係有mention呢一點, 所以大家不用擔心, 等12月初有通知先算, interview內容都係簡單問題, 最緊要係小朋友不會怯場喎!

  9. 2019年11月1日 · 2 minutes per interview, but taking into account the time for the children to be escorted in and out of the Headmistress's office, perhaps a max of 20 children will be interviewed per hour. 3600 children to be interviewed. 3600/6/20 = 30 working days to complete the interviews! Wow!

  10. 2011年11月1日 · In view of teaching method, is CCKG m ... Q1. CCKG is neither a traditional one, nor activity-based one. They focus on a wholeome development in kid's language, maths & science, arts, P.E. and scripture. They mentioned the school hours were very busy, filled with numuerous classworks.

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