雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Associate Degree Programmes. Associate of Science in Architectural Studies (AScAS) Associate of Science in Building Services Engineering (AScBSE) Associate of Science in Construction Engineering and Management (AScCEM) Associate of Science in Surveying (AScS) Tuition Fees. Please click here for more information.

  2. Associate Degree Programmes. Programme and Course Catalogue Our curricula are designed to promote knowledge creation, original discoveries and innovative thinking by integrating learning and research on all levels of our professional education.

  3. 2024年3月11日 · 副學士(英文:Associate Degree)係一個專上教育資歷,修讀年期通常係兩年。 於2023/24學年,經本地評審的副學士學位課程有101個,分別由7個院校提供。 副學士課程由大學入面嘅相關學院提供,所以學習環境同大學比較接近,部分修讀副學士課程嘅學生可以去 ...

  4. Associate Degree Programmes for College of Science & Engineering, Programmes and Courses, City University of Hong Kong.

  5. 香港城市大学专上学院致力提供各类自资副学位课程、国际语文水平测试及各测试的备试课程。 除了提供专业知识外,学院所有副学士课程均包含通识教育及一般技能的训练,为学生个人发展、就业及进修作好准备。 学院聘任200多位高学历及富经验的教学人员,配合严谨的质素保证机制,以贯彻全人教育的理念。 该校为学生提供各种丰富多姿的辅学活动,其中包括海外交流、交换生计划、学长计划、学生大使计划、学生发展计划、校外成就奖及工作经验计划等等,为学生提供完善的全人教育。 该校亦广获业界和雇主支持,业界除在课程设计上提出宝贵意见外,更为该校学生提供各种实习和培训的机会。 学院副学士毕业生过往升学和就业成绩均非常理想。 业界对学生于实习及专题研习时的正面评价,正好引证学院于教学及发展学生潜能的成果。

  6. General Entrance Requirements. Bachelor's Degree Programmes. Notes: Liberal Studies would be used as the alternative of the core subject requirement of Citizenship and Social Development.

  7. The BBA Management programme offers you: the skills to manage people and teams successfully; the skills to initiate and manage startup companies; the knowledge to lead business and implement business decisions in different countries, e.g. the Greater Bay Area, Australia, Japan, Korea, the USA, Canada and the UK.

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