聯絡我們. 如對中電有任何意見或查詢,歡迎與我們聯絡。. 中電控股 .
Company Enquiries. (852) 2678 8111. clp_info@clp.com.hk. 8 Laguna Verde Avenue, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
中電客戶服務中心遍佈九龍、新界。. 如有電力賬戶或賬單方面的任何查詢,或希望獲得更多有關中電和供電計劃的資訊,請親臨以下任何一間客戶服務中心:. 為提升客戶體驗,「綠適天地」大埔客戶服務中心於2024年9月24日至12月中旬進行裝修工程﹐裝修期間 ...
建立「中電 One」賬戶檔案
clp_info@clp.com.hk. CLP Group is one of the largest investor-owned power businesses in Asia-Pacific with investments in Hong Kong, Mainland China, Australia, India, Taiwan Region and Thailand.
CLP Power Hong Kong Limited is a wholly-owned subsidiary of CLP Holdings Limited. Founded in 1901, we provide electricity to more than 80% of Hong Kong’s population.
The CLP Group is one of the largest investor-owned power businesses in Asia Pacific with investments across Hong Kong, Mainland China, Australia, India, Taiwan Region and Thailand. Hong...