雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Welcome to the home page of Coca-Cola Hong Kong. Discover our brands, product information, and the latest updates from The Coca-Cola Company.

  2. 了解可口可樂公司在香港銷售的品牌 了解更多產品的口味、營養標籤和成分。 全部 淳。茶舍,陽光,紅茶花伝 可口可樂,芬達,雪碧,玉泉 飛雪 關注美汁源,陽光

  3. 可口可樂®汽水. 暢享可口可樂的原味清爽. 包括以下容量: 200毫升 (罐裝)、250毫升 (玻璃樽裝)、300毫升 (樽裝)、330毫升 (罐裝)、500毫升 (樽裝)、888毫升 (樽裝)、1.25升 (樽裝)、2升 (樽裝) 查看營養標籤.

  4. Discover all Coca-Cola products currently available, along with their respective nutrition facts and ingredient information.

  5. Know which brands from the Coca-Cola Company are available in Hong Kong. Discover more about our flavours, nutrition facts and ingredients.

  6. 聯絡我們. 地址:. 英皇道979號太古坊康橋大廈24樓. 香港鰂魚涌. 總機:. 2525-7103. 傳真:.

  7. Sustainability Resource Center. This resource provides an overview of our efforts to create a more sustainable business and better shared future that makes a difference in people’s lives communities and our planet. Explore our Goals and Initiatives.

  8. Know how to contact Coca-Cola Hong Kong. Our official contact information for consumer information centre, press enquiries, and more.

  9. Know more about the rich history behind the Coca-Cola Company, from the creation of the first Coca-Cola bottle to the inception of our company.

  10. 澳門區精彩互動等你玩. 參加澳門區「激爽啟動 即Scan即獎」抽獎,隨時贏取豐富獎品,仲有不同優惠驚喜等你發掘,快d登入「享樂賞積分」體驗!. 立即體驗. 香港 | 繁體中文. 關於我們. 公司簡介. 歷史. 人才招募. 需要協助?.

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