雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 柯西拉那咳藥水(Cocillana Syrup)是什麼?. 柯西拉那咳藥水是一種配方止咳藥,旨在緩解與持續性咳嗽相關的症狀。. 配方及成分組合. 它含有天然和合成成分的混合物,包括具有祛痰特性的可其蘭樹皮提取物,有助於溶解黏液,讓你更容易把痰咳出來。. 混合物 ...

  2. 2020年11月10日 · 1) Cocillana Liquid Extract (南美袪痰樹皮的提取物) 其作用是能夠稀釋痰液、幫助吐出濃痰。 2) Senega Liquid Extract (遠志科植物的根部提取物) 其作用是祛痰止咳、消腫。 3) Squill Liquid Extract (風信子科植物海蔥的提取物) 其作用是增加氣管的分秘、稀釋痰液,產生袪痰的作用。 至於治療乾咳方面,很多時會用到含有鎮咳劑成分的藥物,透過抑制咳嗽中樞,從而達到止咳的效果;又或者透過鬆弛氣管,減低呼吸道的敏感性,從而緩解咳嗽的不適。 用以治療乾咳的藥物成分包括:Cloperastine (氯哌斯汀),Pentoxyverine (噴托維林),Noscapine (諾司卡賓)等等成分也是性質温和、副作用輕微,而且成癮性低。

  3. 5大食藥小貼士. –. 慎防止咳化痰變氣管炎. 大部分咳嗽的成因,都是受病毒感染,刺激呼吸道引致過敏情況,蘇曜華表示,「有時會分泌痰涎,有時無,即是我們講的乾咳。 喉嚨出現痕癢,就會刺激大腦中樞神經,作出一個條件反射,想清除喉嚨中的痰涎或不適,便會咳嗽。 」要治療咳嗽,最基本要分清屬乾咳還是痰咳。 大家要慎防止咳化痰變氣管炎(圖片來源:shutterstock) 藥物多功能合一或須承受副作用. 不過,作為消費者,每次去到藥房,看見一排排不同牌子的藥,有傷風咳、有化痰、又醫頭痛、收鼻水,真係令人頭暈腦脹,有時實在難以選擇時,好多人都會索性選多合一功能,覺得抵啲及夠全面。

  4. Pharmacy Only Medicines are medicines which can be purchased in a pharmacy in the presence and under the supervision of a registered pharmacist, but without the need of a prescription. (該類藥物只可在有註冊藥劑師在場及在其監督下於藥房購買,但並不需要醫生處方。. Over-the-Counter Medicines are in general ...

  5. 2024年7月19日 · Search Drugs Database. There is news related to local recall of this product within six months. For more details, please click the red flag of the product. The product is conditionally approved with very limited safety, efficacy, and quality data for public health emergency to satisfy local unmet medical need and the registration status is ...

  6. Dosage and Administration. Adults: 1 – 2 teaspoonfuls (5 – 10ml), 4 times daily. Children (6 to 12 years old): 1/2 – 1 teaspoonfuls (2.5-5ml), 4 times daily, or as directed by a physician. Consult your doctor if cough persist for more than one week. Do not exceed the recommend dosage. Keep out of reach of children.

  7. www.otandp.com › medicines-in-hong-kong › cocillana-syrupCocillana Syrup

    Cocillana Syrup is a cough suppressant formulated to ease symptoms associated with persistent coughs. It contains a mixture of natural and synthetic ingredients, including cocillana bark extract, which is known for its expectorant properties, helping to loosen mucus and make coughs more productive.

  8. 產品的註冊狀態會由藥劑業及毒藥 (藥劑製品及物質註冊:臨牀試驗及藥物測試證明書)委員會審核。. 該產品只可供應予機構或註冊醫生。. ♓. The product is conditionally approved with limited safety, efficacy, and quality data for public health emergency to satisfy local unmet medical need and the ...

  9. 【格利西力糖漿】袪痰。 【鼻可康膠囊】緩解過敏性鼻炎、枯草熱所引起之相關症狀(鼻塞、流鼻水、打噴嚏、眼睛及喉部搔癢)。 合法藥品大搜索,2021年3月19日 — 柯西拉那,像呱芬那辛,屬於一種祛痰藥。 它通過稀釋和液化你的痰來使痰更容易被咳出來。

  10. Basic Prescribing Info. Contents. Per 100 mL Liqd extr of: Cocillana 1.11 mL, euphorbia 2.083 mL, senega 0.42 mL, squill 0.42 mL. MIMS Class. Cough & Cold Preparations. ATC Classification. R05CA - Expectorants ; Used in the treatment of wet cough. Search drug information, interaction, images & medical diagnosis.

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