雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2022年3月30日 · Step 1: I am writing to lodge a complaint / express my concern about the poor services, which was far from satisfactory. Step 2: As a _________________________, I would like to give a brief account of my observation as well as further reasons.

  2. How to write complaint letters - describes the content, language and organisation of letters of complaint, and includes examples and an exercise. The grammar of complain / complaint. Letter of complaint practice task - type in your letter and the computer will analyse it for you, and give you some feedback.

  3. 2023年4月11日 · Complaint letter 投訴信 係DSE英文paper 3常出嘅題目,今次Wall Street English逐步教大家應該點樣寫一封有禮貌且强而有力嘅complaint letter,等大家到paper 3 part B嘅時候都可以輕鬆應對!. 下次會教埋大家寫喺相反嘅角度嘅reply to complaint letter,想知嘅話就要密切留意啦 ...

  4. 2019年5月20日 · In the body of the letter, the opening sentence should identify your specific complaint. Next, outline what actions you have already taken to resolve it and how you expect the company to address the issue.

  5. Write a letter of complaint to the council, asking them to do more to tackle the problem. You recently went into a store with a group of friends to buy some electronics items, but the security guard turned you away at the door, claiming that it was company policy not to admit groups of more than three people.

  6. You may write us a letter of complaint together with a signed Reply Form for Lodging a Complaint or fill out the postage-free Complaint Form. Please provide details of your complaint, including a description of the event and the injustice sustained as a result of the alleged maladministration of the organisation(s) concerned.

  7. 2024年10月27日 · If you had an issue with a product or service that can’t be resolved through a conversation with customer service, you may need to write a complaint letter to a company. In a formal complaint letter, you need to directly state your problem and the way you’d like the company to resolve it.

  8. 2024年10月9日 · Learn how to write a letter of complaint. Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and tips and do the exercises.

  9. Letter of complaint (目標:約150字(Ielts)或200字(HKDSE)) a. 開頭: 稱呼 背:Dear _____ 例:Dear Ms Lau (知道對方邊位)Dear Sirs(唔知對方咩名)/Dear Editor (投訴去報紙) b. 第一段: 簡單說明目的(3句, 約30字) 三句論:I

  10. If you've been unfortunate enough to experience poor service and want to know how to write a complaint letter, you're in the right place. How to Start a Complaint Letter. Making the purpose of your letter clear from the get-go is paramount to delivering an effective complaint letter.

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