雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2011年7月6日 · CONTAX G2繼承了G1先進的電子式控制與自動對焦功能,且最高快門速度也由1/4000秒提升至1/6000秒,對於大光圈鏡頭與高速攝影的運用上更加有彈性。

  2. 2022年4月16日 · G2技术参数. 可锁定焦距(半按快门). 取景 器:实像式、和所装镜头连动(28—90MM),倍率0.57,视野率90%(45MM.∞.视度-1D 时),视野框 (视差自动修正).测距框/测距数字显示/快门速度/曝光补偿等表示. 快 门:电子控制式上下运动式金属快门,光圈优先AE时16—1/ ...

  3. 2010年3月20日 · The Contax G2 is the world's most advanced rangefinder camera. It is a superbly refined electronic, autofocus 35mm camera with the world's best optics. It also offers auto exposure, auto loading, advance and rewind, and TTL metering for both flash and ambient light. When new, the Contax G2 was a rich-man's travel and vacation camera.

  4. 在這個影片中,我會向大家介紹一台由保時捷設計的菲林相機:Contax G2。 這是一台功能豐富而性能出色的rangefinder相機,可以使用六支高品質的鏡頭,拍出令人驚豔的照片。 我會跟大家講解Contax G2的歷史、功能、鏡頭和成像效果,並展示一些我用它拍攝的彩色和黑白照片。 如果您喜歡菲林攝影,或者想要了解更多...

  5. 2023年3月24日 · Contax G2|相機與身體彼此是否適合,是潘怡比起追求特定規格更在意的事。 Contax在1996年推出的G2,是一台可自動對焦的旁軸相機,潘怡帆信賴它的可靠敏捷,從對焦、按下快門到照片成像都散發篤定感。

  6. 2023年3月18日 · CONTAX G2好拿順手是石田真澄挑選相機的要點之一。1996年推出的CONTAX G2,較多數單眼相機小巧,是難得擁有自動對焦的旁軸相機。石田真澄特別喜歡它按下快門的手感,以及對光的捕捉呈現。 圖/©R.F. Horton

  7. Considering the styling, camera technologies, and lens quality of the Contax G2 camera system, it remains remarkably affordable compared to a comparable Leica camera/lens system and, quite frankly, I’d put Contax G photos up against comparable photographs taken with Leicas any day—the system is that good.

  8. 2020年4月14日 · The Contax G2 is one of the most beautifully designed and amazing rangefinders on the market. Please allow me to go in-depth on the pros and cons of this cam...

  9. The Contax G2 represents (arguably) the pinnacle of rangefinder camera technology. As a design piece, it’s worth collecting just for that reason. The build quality, materials, fit & finish are all impeccable. It feels incredibly solid in your hand. As a photographic tool, the G2 is really in a rarefied class that includes Leica and not much else.

  10. 2021年11月5日 · The Contax G2 is the ultimate modern rangefinder. It can shoot at up to 4 fps, has a lightening quick maximum shutter speed of up to 1/6000 of a second in automatic mode, has a flash sync speed of 1/200 of a second, and has a dynamic active/passive autofocus system.

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