雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. order.cova.com.hk › tc › contactUsCova 1817

    歡迎蒞臨香港COVA,我們熱切期待您光臨我們餅店及餐廳。 歡迎電郵至info@cova.com.hk或致電28329008。 客戶服務部服務時間為星期一至星期五,上午9時至下午1時及下午2時至6時。

  2. order.cova.com.hk › en › contactUsCova 1817

    Our customer service will be pleased to assist you at info@cova.com.hk or 28329008. The service is open from Monday to Friday, 9 am to 1pm and 2pm to 6pm. All Hong Kong Island Kowloon New Territories.

  3. Cova Ristorante & Caffe (利園) 的餐廳地址、電話、食評、相片及餐牌,餐廳位於 銅鑼灣希慎道33號利園1期1樓101-103號舖。. 主要菜式包括 blueberry cheesecake, 。.

  4. Cova Ristorante & Caffe (港威商場) 的餐廳地址、網上訂座、電話、食評、相片及餐牌,餐廳位於 尖沙咀廣東道3-27號海港城港威商場地下G315號舖主要菜式包括 Mango Cream Dome, latte, Tiramisu, Tea set, Mango mixed fruits cream dome, 。

  5. order.cova.com.hk › tcCova 1817

    COVA精選 水果 忌廉 朱古力 芝士 慕絲 批及撻 生酮 節日產品 月餅禮盒 原箱月餅禮盒 月餅禮券 節日禮籃 甜品 甜品 撻 迷你甜品及撻 甜品杯 Cova 禮品 朱古力及曲奇 咖啡及茶 禮券 餐廳訂座 分店位置 關於我們 購物車 (0) 查詢訂單

  6. Cova Pasticceria & Confetteria (港威商場) 的餐廳地址、電話、食評、相片及餐牌,餐廳位於 尖沙咀廣東道3-27號海港城港威商場地下G315號舖。.

  7. 9 Long Yat Road,, Shop 1005A, Level 1, YOHO Mall I. Yuen Long, New Territories, Hong Kong. Opening Hours: Monday-Sunday 11:00-21:00. To learn more about COVA Hong Kong outlet locations, you can follow the chain’s official social media pages, such as Facebook at facebook.com/covahongkong/.

  8. 在COVA找到高級意大利糕餅及經典美食,每天新鮮製造精緻糕餅,包括廣受歡迎的特色蛋糕與曲奇餅。 每一件獨特完美的COVA蛋糕,都採用自1817年起世代相傳的米蘭得獎食譜,並以最上乘的材料,如高級農場雞蛋、優質意大利麵粉、來自世界各地的新鮮牛奶及 ...

  9. Established in 1817, COVA carefully bears the historical Italian identity of its motherhood establishment in Milan, and playfully infused with contemporary interpretations. COVA Cake-Chocolate Shop showcases sumptuous fresh cakes, pastries, and renowned chocolates & confectioneries that air-flown direct from Milan.

  10. Show All 58 Reviews. Cova Ristorante & Caffe (One Pacific Place)'s Address, Online Booking, Telephone Number, Ratings, Reviews, Photos and Menu, located at Shop 230A, L2/F, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway Admiralty. This brand was founded in Milan, Italy in 1817. It serves traditional high-end Italian dishes and coffee.

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