WORST男兒當隻揪. 《WORST男兒當隻揪》(日语: WORST)是 高橋弘 (日语:高橋ヒロシ) 的 日本 漫畫 作品,相關系列作品包括電影原創的前傳系列《CROWS ZERO (日语:クローズZERO)》、原作本傳《CROWS (日语:クローズ)》、續作《WORST極惡王》和外傳 ...
- Crows
- Worst
- QP
Bouya Harumichi is a new transfer student to Suzuran, a place where only the worst delinquents assemble. Due to its large amount of delinquents who are hated by the general people for their inauspiciousness, similarily to crows, it is also known as "Crows High School". Harumichi is an insanely strong fighter but has a irresponsible personality, how...
Worst follows the story of Tsukishima Hana. Upon moving to the city from a remote village, Hana takes up residence in a boarding house and soon after enrolls as a freshman in the city's most notorious school, Suzuran All-Boys High. At Suzuran a student's success is measured by knowledge of the streets, not books. Wits and endurance are the only school supplies necessary. Tests are taken on the battlefield, and only those left standing pass.
Hana vows to become Suzuran's one and only leader. Many have attempted, few have come close, but no one to date has achieved total domination. While Hana's true destiny is unknown, it is evident from his first day of class that he will go down in Suzuran's history as a legend. Worst is the sequel to Crows.
Children cry in fear just because his looks. QP (real name Ishida Kotori), known across the town as a legend who used to go to Bonten High, has returned after a four year absence. Working at a gas station, he's trying to live a quiet life, but his old best friend Azuma Ryou has something else in mind. Azuma intends to have Kotori stand at the top of the gang he has been building since high school. Despite his best intentions, is QP forced to fall back into his violent ways?
All news so far!
•New project (Crows x WORST UNLIMITED) which includes new character drawn by Hiroshi Takahashi is scheduled to be released in 2024.
•HiGH&LOW: THE WORST X is released in Japan on September 9, 2022.
2024年2月21日 · 《CROWS×WORST UNLIMITED》改編自髙橋ヒロシ筆下累計銷量超過 8,000 萬本的熱門不良少年漫畫《漂丿男子漢》《WORST - 極惡王》,為智慧型手機專用的劇
- Jisho
《Crows×Worst Unlimited》為一款以日本漫畫家「髙橋ヒロシ(高橋弘)」經典不良少年熱血漫畫《漂ノ男子漢》系列三部曲《Crows》與《Worst 極惡王》為題材的遊戲作品,也是官方繼前作《Crows×Worst -Xross Over-》之後所推出的系列最新
《CROWS×WORST UNLIMITED》【最新遊戲介紹+試玩】Fan Aspiration Crows x WORST 官方遊戲應用程式現已推出
2024年4月10日 · 官方表示,《CROWS×WORST UNLIMITED》是一款由《漂丿男子漢》《WORST - 極惡王》角色展開大混戰的「劇場感戰鬥遊戲」。 遊戲透過彷彿電影般生動的戰鬥演出,忠實地呈現原作充滿臨場感的打架場面。 玩家能自由編組參與戰鬥的角色,以專屬於自己的最強隊伍享受打架。 隊伍組成沒有任何限制,能讓喜歡的角色上場大鬧一番. 遊戲的戰鬥為自動進行,玩家不僅能隨時隨地輕鬆地開始遊戲,戰鬥中還能隨時切換視角,讓玩家以喜歡的角度欣賞充滿魄力的戰鬥。 像是從上方的視角看整場戰鬥,欣賞充滿魄力的大混戰,或是聚焦於單一角色,欣賞他大鬧一番的模樣,能以各種方式享受戰鬥。 戰鬥中可隨時切換視角,以喜歡的角度盡情享受打架場面.
2024年2月21日 · 日本 Sonic Powered 今日(2月21日)宣布,將推出以 髙橋ヒロシ 原作不良少年漫畫《CROWS(クローズ)》及《WORST 極惡王》所改編的電影級戰鬥手機遊戲《CROWS×WORST UNLIMITED》,遊戲預計2024年春季推出,官方 SNS 也於即日開設並展開事前