雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2022年8月10日 · 2022/23年度全港經聯招入讀醫科的336名學生中,中大醫學院共取錄205名文憑試學生,佔醫科學額七成。 以七科滿分為49分計算,考獲46分或以上修讀醫科的學生中,超過90%選擇入讀中大醫學院。

  2. 2022年8月10日 · In the official announcement of the Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS) main round offer results today, five out of six full scorers in this year’s Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (DSE) who intend to study medicine in

  3. In CU Medicine, high-achieving students with a total HKDSE score of 38 or above, with 5* or above in English, Biology and Chemistry may be exempted from some courses of Faculty package, and students with these exemptions may be offered an option of

  4. 2023年8月9日 · Among the 339 Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (DSE) students admitted to study medicine through JUPAS in Hong Kong, 207 have been admitted to the Medicine Programmes at CUHK, accounting for over 70% of our total intake.

  5. CU MED 同學會 化學科DSE就黎開考! 今年受新冠肺炎疫情影響,或多或少都打亂左同學仔既溫習大計。 為左幫助各位好好善用餘下時間,我地CU MED⭐⭐同學會將一連9日用ZOOM同大家喺Facebook同IG (@cuhkmed_sa) 分享備試心得。

  6. 2021年8月12日 · In the official announcement of the Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS) main round offer results today, 186 students are admitted to the Medicine Programme at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), equivalent to 70% of this year’s intake of CUHK Medicine.

  7. 2021年8月12日 · 4 out of 5 full scorers confirmed to stay in Hong Kong for pursuing medical degrees opted for CUHK. Considering the full score of the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (DSE) is 49 marks, four students who got the full score chose to study at the Faculty of Medicine at CUHK.

  8. 2023年10月14日 · JUPAS 2024現正接受報名(報名日期由2023年10月5日至12月6日),「01教育」為大家整理中文大學(中大 / CUHK)各學科的收分、計分方法、面試要求等,以助同學因應自己預期分數安排JUPAS選科排位,並順利入讀心儀科目。.

  9. DSE 考生專區. Cu hku medic. 同學. 其實cu med 究竟幾多分先穩陣🥲 聽講上一年係有收哂所有41分 但40-40.5就要有spn offer 個啲先入到 呢一兩年好似越黎越多人想讀med 亦都越黎越多人想入cu 睇佢哋admission score都係一年比一年高 依家好驚41分唔穩陣 🫠 但相反hku好似收唔夠jupas 啲高分嘅人比cu 搶哂 所以其實係咪入唔到cu ,hku 夠42分都應該入到? 講真我兩間都冇所謂 但偏好少少cu🥲. 74. ・ 留言 6.

  10. 2023年8月9日 · Among the 339 Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (DSE) students admitted to study medicine through JUPAS in Hong Kong, 207 are admitted to the Medicine Programmes at CUHK, accounting for over 70% of our total intake.