雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Culford School is a private and independent day & boarding school for boys and girls ages 1-18 years. Located in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk

  2. Culford School 位於英格蘭東部 Suffolk ,地理環境優美,校園佔地 480 英畝,至今仍保留舊建築,包括建於十八世紀的 Culford Hall,極具特色。. 學校距離倫敦約兩小時車程,而前往劍橋或 Norwich 則需 40 分鐘車程。. Culford School 的學術成績和體育表現均十分理想 ...

  3. Culford School is a co-educational private boarding and day school for pupils age 1–18 in the village of Culford, 4 miles (6 km) north of Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk, England. The head is traditionally a member of the Headmasters' and Headmistresses' Conference and the Prep School head is a member of the IAPS .

  4. www.britannia-study.com › school › culford-schoolCulford School - 英識教育

    Culford School 是一間關懷學生的男女校,招收 7–19 歲的學生,並為七歲以上的學生提供寄宿服務。Culford 座落於 Suffolk Parkland,佔地 480 英畝。學校前往 Cambridge 或 Norwich 僅需四十分鐘,離倫敦約兩小時車程。

  5. Culford School坐落於英格蘭的東部Suffolk距離倫敦大約兩小時車程,前往劍橋或Norwich大約40分鐘車程。. 學校佔地480英畝,校園規模龐大,視野開闊,環境非常優美。. 校園內甚至保留建於十八世紀的Culford Hall,十分有傳統特色。. 在教育理念方面,Culford School ...

  6. 英国私校卡尔福德学校 Culford School,是一所独立的寄宿和走读学校,面向3-19岁的男孩和女孩。 位于萨福克郡伯里圣埃德蒙兹外几英里处。 Culford提供定制教育,鼓励学生发展他们的个人才能,无论是学术,体育,艺术还是戏剧.

  7. We aim to develop flexible, innovative, dynamic and resilient school leavers, ready for life. To do so we provide an education that is challenging, enriching and fun; focused upon individual needs and aspirations.

  8. Located in Bury St Edmunds, Culford is an outstanding private and independent school for ages 1-18. Day and boarding pupils, learn more.

  9. Culford is an HMC co-educational school with an 'Oustanding' Ofsted rating. Boarding is available from age 7 and the school is set in 480 acres of beautiful Suffolk parkland with a magnificent 18th century mansion at its centre.

  10. Culford School 簡介. 學術以外 學習畢生技能. Culford School 校長認為現今社會所需要的技能不斷在增加,學生除了學習成績優良之外,還需要清晰的價值觀、領導能力和對學習的熱情。 學校為了提高學生對各個領域的興趣,要求所有學生至少參與3項課外活動。 學校近年還舉辦不同的文化導賞團,包括在瑞士參觀大型強子對撞機、冰島的地理旅行等。 學校規模宏大 設施齊全. 學校佔地488英畝,甫踏進校園,宏偉的主教學樓和滿目青蔥翠綠隨即映入眼簾。 Culford校園規模非常大,各種設施齊全。 學校之大可以容納過千名學生,但實際招收的學生人数並不多,這反映每個學生的活動及學習空間相當充足。 運動強校 尤其擅長網球.

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