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    Create Your Resume For Freshers In 3 Steps. Choose From +32 Templates. Ready In 10 Min! Land Your Dream Job With One Of Our +32 Templates. Create Your Resume Right Away!

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    Create a professional CV online and impress employers. Ready in 3 simple steps. Increase your chances of getting a job with a professional CV. Find your dream job!

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    Download your CV instantly in both WORD & PDF formats. Unlock premium CV templates now. Create ATS-Optimized Resumes with AI. Get Real-Time Feedback and Improve Your CV Today.


  1. 2024年7月8日 · 每逢畢業旺季,一班Fresh Grad一定落足眼力睇定job market,這三年面對工作模式轉變、多了remote、hybrid的職位,AI加速進駐職場,數碼技能變得不能缺少,不少職場新鮮人都要重整旗鼓,想辦法在CV上突圍而出,除了從興趣及個人專長出發、尋找適合自己

  2. 2020年3月7日 · As a fresh or recent graduate, you would probably be wondering how to make your CV look impressive without any work experience except for, may be, volunteer work or internships. It is possible to write an influential and convincing CV, even though you do not have any work experience including volunteer work and internships.

  3. Fresh Graduate Resume Writing & Job Search Guide. Here’s a sample resume we recently produced for a Fresh Graduate in Hong Kong. In this article, you’ll learn: About the Fresh Graduate Role. What Hiring Managers Look For In Fresh Graduate. Fresh Graduate Job Opportunities. Job Hunting Tips from our Resident Headhunter.

  4. 2022年4月22日 · 很多Fresh Grad畢業生不知道應該點寫CV才可以打動HR。本文會教您7個貼士,怎樣避重就輕,打造最好的CV,幫您搵第一份工。

  5. 2024年1月3日 · Student & Fresh Graduate CV Samples How do you write a CV as a student or fresh graduate, when you might not have much work experience? Read on to find out! College Student CV Sample (Mechanical Engineer) Fresh Graduate CV Sample (Business)

  6. 唔少Fresh Grad喺寫CV嘅時候都會覺得好頭痛,點樣用CV成功令未來老闆留下好印象呢? 撓爆頭都唔知點寫好? 唔使愁,呢篇文章會整理5個Marketing Fresh Grad嘅通病,同埋教大家點樣執靚張CV!

  7. 2020年12月11日 · 不論你是Fresh Grad,還是想轉工,今日Tutor Circle尋補就設計了3款不同行業的履歷表範本(CV Template),供求職者參考! 延伸閱讀:【CV Resume分別】查完字典都係叫履歷,究竟有咩唔同?

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