雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年7月2日 · Established in 1851. As Hong Kong’s largest independent law firm, we have an unrivalled insight into the local business landscape coupled with international vision. Exceptional Client-First Approach. We foster a culture of taking extraordinary care of our clients.

  2. 1880年,來自英格蘭德文郡,時年33歲的Victor Deacon先生在獲得香港律師資格以及入港准許後,加入Brereton與Wotton合夥組辦的律師行,即現在為人熟知的Deacons——的近律師行。. 本行的驕人成就備受多份國際出版物及多個研究機構贊許,並在不同業務領域屢獲殊榮 ...

  3. The Law Society of Hong Kong is a professional association for solicitors in Hong Kong vested with statutory powers to regulate the professional conduct of solicitors, trainee solicitors and foreign lawyers. It was incorporated in 1907 as a company limited by guarantee.

  4. 2015年1月6日 · 的近是deacons,但這間是deacons &williamson 私人傳訊 jerma 男爵府 積分: 8179 發表於 15-1-6 10:34 | 顯示全部帖子 回覆:收到呢啲信,係咪呃人? 咁你有冇呢張card同欠呢個數呢?近來好多人都收到上面第一封信,我識都2個 ...

  5. Jeremy Lam (林俊明) 合夥人 | 金融服務. 電郵 或致電 +852 2825 9732.

  6. Deacons is a leading law firm in Hong Kong with over 300 attorneys and 700 employees. [1] Founded in 1851, it provides full service for all major practice areas such as corporate mergers & acquisitions, regulatory compliance, intellectual properties, insurance, international arbitration and litigation.

  7. 創始於 1851 年. 作為香港最大型的獨立律師行,我們對本地營商環境具備無與倫比的洞察力以及國際視野。. 以客為先的卓越方針. 我們致力培養對客戶無微不至的服務文化。. 的近律師行的前瞻性、靈活性和應變能力是我們賴以持續成功的堅實基礎。. 與時俱進 ...

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