雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Loading store locator from Stockist store locator...

  2. Since 1946, DELSEY has been accompanying travelers from all around the world on both their personal and professional travel. The original inventor of rolling luggage, DELSEY is the second most distributed luggage across the globe. From hardside to softside suitcases, backpacks and duffel bags, totes and more.

  3. 請問Delsey維修中心地址在哪裏? 1y.

  4. www.facebook.com › officialdelseyhongkongDELSEY - Facebook


  5. 瀏覽Delsey (Hong Kong)超過20件運動旅行的產品, 包括25-27吋/中型箱、28吋或以上大型箱和21-24吋/小型箱! 全場600,000+件商品 真實客戶評論 買滿$500免費送貨上門 超過200個自取點 | 全場950,000+件商品 真實客戶評論 買滿$500免費送貨上門 超過200個自取點.

  6. 創立於1946年的著名法國行李箱品牌DELSEY PARIS,以讓旅客享受更自由自在的旅遊體驗為理念,不斷推陳出新,帶來堅固耐用的行李箱及旅行配件,演繹法式設計美學。. 透過創新及安全可靠的多元化產品,DELSEY PARIS滿足最新的旅遊方式所需,讓旅客更安心無憂地 ...

  7. DELSEY PARIS. Shop 904A, 9/F. Since 1946, DELSEY PARIS has been innovating to promote freedom of movement and fluid travel by developing durable and secure luggage and accessories with a French aesthetic.

  8. 香港銅鑼灣勿地臣街1號, TIMES SQUARE / Lane Crawford, L8 八樓, 813舖.

  9. Delsey. L2 287. 10:30-19:30星期一至星期四10:30-21:00(星期五至日). Delsey 於1946年創立於法國巴黎, 憑借豐富經濟和專業技能, 致力於推動行業革新、引領時代潮流。. Delsey 滿足了消費者對於功能性、獨創性、優雅兼具個性的產品訴求,伴隨旅行者去到世界不同 ...

  10. 九龍尖東漆咸道南61-65號, 首都廣場, G 地下, 10舖.

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