雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 过去 30 年来,Dextra 在香港和澳门开展了管道、排水和结构解决方案进口、分销、安装和维修等具体业务。 该活动由 Dextra 附属公司 Dextra Pacific Plumbing Limited 运营,并由我们的湾仔办事处协调。

  2. In Hong Kong & Macau, Dextra has developed over the last 30 years a specific activity of piping, drainage and structural solutions import, distribution, installation and servicing. This activity is operated by Dextra affiliate company Dextra Pacific Plumbing Limited and coordinated from our Wanchai office.

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. Dextra 集团于 1983 年由法国外籍企业家创立,是世界领先的工程钢和纤维增强聚合物建筑产品制造商。 我们在三个地点进行生产,并通过我们的附属公司和合作伙伴网络在超过 55 个国家/地区开展业务。

  5. DEXTRA PACIFC LIMITED. Established in 1983 by French expatriate entrepreneurs, Dextra Group has developed over a long history, during which it encouraged those with an entrepreneurial spirit and constantly strived towards innovation and growth, leading to diversification.

  6. 公司資料. 業務性質: 分銷商. 主要市場: 非洲, 大洋洲, 中南美洲, 東歐, 香港, 日本, 韓國, 中國內地, 中東, 北美洲, 其他亞洲國家, 北歐, 東南亞, 臺灣, 西歐. 主要分類: 建築材料及用品. 員工人數 (香港): 16 - 25.

  7. Verified and credible Dextra Pacific Plumbing Ltd. company overview, qualified supplier, trader, manufacturer, vendor, distributor providing products and services on HKTDC Sourcing.

  8. Dextra Pacific Ltd (Hong Kong) manufactures and distributes buLtding materials. Company Information. Nature of Business: Exporter, Importer, Manufacturer. Major Markets: Hong Kong, Mainland China. Main Categories: Building Materials & Supplies. Number of Staff (HK): 6 - 10. Year of Establishment: 1983. Contact Person: Mr Arnaud De Surville.

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