雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Diocesan Girls' Junior School (DGJS) website is committed to providing a quality, all-round liberal education based on Christian principles and Chinese cultural values. We offer our students a positive learning environment where they achieve their maximum potential and develop a love of lifelong learning.

  2. Applications for Primary 1 admission for the 2024-2025. school year are now closed. Diocesan Girls' Junior School (DGJS) website is committed to providing a quality, all-round liberal education based on Christian principles and Chinese cultural values.

  3. 拔萃女小學 Diocesan Girls' Junior School 辦學宗旨致力提供全人教育,民主博愛精神發揚基督教義及中國傳統文化。 並鼓勵學生發揮潛能,達學術最高成就,從基督教義及品德教育中,學生可培養認知及分析能力,建立社交及溝通技巧,冀能成為充滿自信及富 ...

  4. 拔萃女小學 (Diocesan Girls' Junior School)是位處於 油尖旺區 的一所私立小學。 學校是一間基督教的女校,創校於 1860年,校訓是「勵志揚善」, 現在的辦學團體是 拔萃女書院校董會 , 校監為余嘉寶 女士,校長為李安麗 女士。 學校的上課時間是全日,教學語言是英文,每年有測驗2校監次及考試2次。 由於拔萃女小學是私立小學,學生每年須繳付學費$70000。 學校共有小一4班、小二4班、小三4班、小四4班、小五4班和小六4班。 學校的分班安排是按平均能力分班。 學校每週上學5天,每天一般上課9節,每節一般為35分鐘。 每天於上午8:10開始上課,下午3:30下課。 午膳時間為12:35 - 1:45,由指定供應商提供及由家長安排。

  5. Admission for Primary 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in 2024-2025 School Year. Diocesan Girls' Junior School (DGJS) website is committed to providing a quality, all-round liberal education based on Christian principles and Chinese cultural values.

  6. Application for Primary One Admission 2024-2025. 16 Dec 2023 02:00 PM. Dear Parents, You are advised to login to the DGJS Online Admission System at https://admission.dgjs.edu.hk/ and check the latest application status after 2 p.m. on 19th December 2023. Warm regards,

  7. 俄亥俄州立大學校園地區學期里有許多大學生,許多老建築被改建為大學生公寓。 當地有許多專門為大學生需求服務的小吃店、書店等等。 人口 [ 編輯 ]

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