雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The Design Manual : Barrier Free Access 1997 sets out the design requirements of providing proper access to and appropriate facilities in a building for persons with a disability and other sectors of the population including the elderly, who at times require the same provisions as persons with a disability.

  2. 無障礙廁所 是專門為 行動不便人士 (英語:Physical disability) 設計的 廁所 。 對於 行動不便的人 (英語:Persons with reduced mobility legislation) 來說,這種廁所也很有用,因為較高的 抽水馬桶 對他們來說,他們能更容易站起來。 為了增加廁所的無障礙性,有關方面還可以採取其他措施,如提供更多的空間,讓 照顧者 能陪同殘障人士一起上廁所;添加扶手,方便殘障人士從 馬桶座 上起身和坐下;無障礙廁所內應該防滑;在無障礙廁所入口放上無障礙標誌 [1] 。 一些國家對公共廁所的無障礙性有要求。 私人住宅的廁所也可以進行改裝,以增加無障礙性。 參考文獻. [ 編輯]

  3. 有次經過為傷殘人士特設的洗手間,赫然見到兩個英文字:Disabled Toilet! 本人不禁衝口而出:「OMG! 」校方是表示此洗手間已經壞掉,所以不能再用了嗎? 之所以有此下意識的反應,是因為其實Disabled Toilet的意思是the toilet that has been disabled ,那是說洗手間已喪失了它的功能,而不是為傷殘人士所設的洗手間! 如果不用此有被動含意的形容詞disabled,把它當名詞用,成為Toilet for the Disabled就無問題了。 另外某曲棍球場用了Accessible Toilet,倒是一個很有平權意識的選擇,只聚焦於洗手間的性質,輕輕的把「傷殘」的含意帶過,因此在世界各地已有越來越多人採用。

  4. A clear unobstructed approach should be provided to the toilet, wash hand basin and hand dryer. The toilet door should open outwards to provide a clear opening of at least 900mm and should include a horizontal handle. For privacy and safety, avoid the toilet door opening directly onto a public and/or circulation area. Flushing control:

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  7. Buildings Department Practice Note for Authorized Persons, Registered Structural Engineers and Registered Geotechnical Engineers APP41-Buildings to be Planned for Use by Persons with a Disability Regulation 72 of Building (Planning) Regulations Design

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