雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Litigation is a legal process by which the disputes between the parties to the litigation are adjudicated by a judge/judicial officer sitting in a court or tribunal. The rights of access to the courts and to seek judicial remedies are fundamental rights enjoyed by Hong Kong people and are protected under the Basic Law and the Hong Kong Bill of ...

  2. Dispute resolution or dispute settlement is the process of resolving disputes between parties. The term dispute resolution is conflict resolution through legal means.

  3. Founded in 2007, the LLM(Arb&DR) programme has been internationally recognized as a leading provider of dispute resolution teaching and research. Graduates obtain professional accreditation with HKMAAL, CIARb and HKIA upon fulfilling course prerequisites.

  4. We will also actively promote Hong Kong’s international legal and dispute resolution services overseas and in the Mainland, so as to consolidate Hong Kong’s position as a legal platform for deal making and dispute resolution (including mediation, arbitration, litigation and online dispute resolution).

  5. 在香港,個人、公司或政府,都可以是民事訴訟的其中一方﹝可參考: 如何提出民事訴訟或作出抗辯 ﹞。. 他們可能是投訴人(提出訴訟的一方)或被告人。. 在訴訟當中,各方向法庭闡述他們的案情,讓法庭決定其中一方(或多方)的法律權利或責任是否被 ...

  6. For the purposes of the Mediation Ordinance, mediation is a structured process comprising one or more sessions in which one or more impartial individuals, without adjudicating a dispute or any aspect of it, assist the parties to a dispute to do any or all of the

  7. Alternative Dispute Resolution is a dispute resolution process whereby the disagreeing parties can come to an agreement short of litigation. The idea is that using ADR can minimize the time and costs involved in litigation. The most common forms of ADR are

  8. 最新消息. 訂閱. 金融糾紛調解中心員工電郵帳户遭惡意入侵. 金融糾紛調解中心董事局任命. 更多內容 >>. 培訓項目. 簡介會. 社區全接觸. 一般市民.

  9. 2024年7月13日 · Hong Kong is a prime venue for international legal and dispute resolution services through arbitration and mediation: Since 2015, Hong Kong has been among the top five preferred seats for arbitration globally according to the International Arbitration Surveys conducted by Queen Mary University of London.

  10. 2024年7月6日 · 在国际法律及以仲裁与调解方式解决争议的服务方面,香港是理想的地点:. 根据伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院所进行的国际仲裁调查,自2015年以来,香港一直名列全球五大首选仲裁地点. 香港的法庭便利仲裁程序,这一点于法庭判决中有充分记录,因此香港的 ...

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