雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Our Professional Training 擁有全港最大規模的行為治療中心提供專業寄養及上門犬隻訓練, 為狗主解決飼養犬隻問題,灌輸正確與狗共處的方法。

  2. 香港校園的專業犬隻訓練師已有16年犬隻訓練經驗,訓練犬隻數量超過1000隻,經驗豐富!. 本校園犬隻訓練服務範圍包括:. 新手主人、幼犬訓練、行為糾正,服從訓練、國際犬隻花式證書、青少年及職業犬隻訓練帥課程等。.

  3. ALAM DOG TRAINING. 百樂寵物會現任首席馴犬師“謝南師傅” ( Alam ) 於1985 年跟隨馴犬界名宿“胡斌先生”及“黃威先生”學習訓練犬隻技巧及瞭解不同品種生活習性,學成後從事犬隻訓練至今達30年之經驗 (30 Years Dog Training Experience),有很豐富經驗,日常訓練犬隻,不分種類,大細犬、名種犬、混種犬隻均可。 在本著有教無類精神訓練犬隻,“基本服從” (Obedient)及“行為糾正” (Behavior), 更為問題犬隻作出針對訓練,尤以“自閉性”、“惡習性”、“情緒病”、“驚恐攻擊性”犬隻更見成效。 1997 – 2001 年僑居英國時,已從事上門訓練工作,且很早期已訓練犬隻參展獲獎。

  4. The SPCA Basic Obedience Dog Training Course gives you the skills to help your dog become a happy, well-behaved and confident companion. This course provides excellent opportunities to practice loose-leash walking in a variety of different situations and, by focusing on a single skill, it will allow both owners and pets to learn faster and ...

  5. 香港愛護動物協會職員會盡全力照顧動物,但仍不排除偶爾會有狗隻性情難於控制時,或對其他人、動物造成傷害。. 本人同意若本人之狗隻對他人或其他動物造成任何傷害,必須承擔一切賠償,而所有參與出席課程之人士決不可對對協會或其員工及有關人士作 ...

  6. Dog Training Daniel 犬學堂專業犬隻訓練中心, Hong Kong. 8,183 likes · 1,031 talking about this · 2,110 were here. Daniel Dog Training由資深犬隻訓練師Daniel Tang 於2009年創辦, 提供專業犬隻訓練,犬隻寄宿,犬隻日托,犬隻美容 Email:...

  7. 香港國際犬隻訓練中心 Hong Kong International Dog Training Centre, 香港. 1,311 likes · 13 talking about this · 174 were here. 香港國際犬隻訓練中心簡稱HKIDTC主要為培養出有質素的本地專業犬隻訓練員

  8. www.hkk9.com首頁

    幼犬訓練課程. 透過訓練和講解理論,令人快速明白如何與愛犬溝通。 包括:認識狗的思考方法;正確的訓練觀念。 全部課程. 行為糾正課程. 為有各種行為問題的犬隻進行糾正,使犬隻能從新融入與人的生活。 能得到持久改善,效果顯著。 訓練(關於人) 專業全犬種訓練師. 學員能透過課程,理解如個引導不同犬種的犬隻,並在不同犬隻時靈活融入不同的訓練方法與技巧。 全部課程. 專業領犬員證書訓練課程. 必須完成領犬員入門證書課程,對領犬員的工作、訓犬概念有基本認知。 領犬員工具應用和注意事項。 香港K-9訓練學院由90年代始,擁有超過20年培養、訓練K-9(工作犬)的豐富經驗,我們不斷引入世界級超強血系工作犬加以培訓,並致力培育、改良港產本地工作犬。

  9. MH Pet Service丨DogCafe - Dog Swimming - Training Center. 在2021年11月中全新開幕!. 一站式寵物服務及娛樂設施,為主人同毛孩準備一連串精彩體驗。. 誠邀你們在MH一起歡樂無限,讓你和愛犬暢玩一整天. #Dogcafe #HongKong 毛孩友善餐廳 VS 寵物主題Cafe 係有分別|On Dog Dog Cafe|以 ...

  10. 2019年4月1日 · From basic obedience group classes to veterinary behaviourists for more specific behavioural issues, we get the low-down on the best dog training services in Hong Kong to help make your buddy a very good boy indeed.

  11. 2024年7月5日 · This wikiHow article takes you through everything you need to know about training a dog - including basic dog commands, potty training, crate training, leash training, obedience training, clicker training, and more.

  12. 2023年11月16日 · Training methods that focus on positive reinforcement and rewards have been proven to be more effective than discipline and fear tactics. These basic dog training tips for beginners and experienced owners will build up your dog’s confidence and lay the groundwork for a happy healthy pet.

  13. 2024年6月27日 · Are you ready to start training your dog or puppy? Proper training and socialization are among your dog's basic needs. It's important to start training your dog as soon as possible to sit, stay, come, go to their crate, and go potty outside—and believe it or not, it's

  14. Tips for Training Your Dog. Manage your dog's behavior and teach him basic obedience with our helpful tips and advice.

  15. 職業犬隻訓練員計劃 Dog Trainer Course, 香港. 772 個讚好. 第十一屆 職業犬隻訓練員計劃 2022 藍章課程 截止報名日期 : 05/08/2022.

  16. 2022年1月25日 · Since you can't train away a German shepherd's genetic impulse to defend its territory, you may need to change your expectations, instead. Decide how you'd like to train your dog.

  17. Training your dogwhether you just got a puppy or want to teach an old dog new tricks—can be a rewarding experience for both you and your pup. Dog training not only keeps dogs safer in unpredictable situations, it’s also an excellent way to strengthen your

  18. Learn more about how to train your dog from American Kennel Club. Our experts answer common training questions and provide tips to improve and test your dog training skills.

  19. Dog Training 101: Master Essential Skills for Effective Communication with Your Dog! How to train your dog all the basics! Unlock the secrets to successful d...

  20. المسافة بين بيت فوريك, فلسطين و Shafir Regional Council, Ashkelon, South District, إسرائيل بالكيلومترات، ميلا. اتجاه الطريق, فرق التوقيت, الوقت المحدد. المسافة بين بيت فوريك, فلسطين و Shafir Regional Council, South District, إسرائيل — 80 كم أو 48 ميل.

  21. المسافة بين ساحل الجية, محافظة جبل لبنان, لبنان و Shafir Regional Council, South District, إسرائيل — 230 كم أو 138 ميل. الفارق الزمني بين ساحل الجية و Shafir Regional Council غير 0 ساعات.حاليا، والطرق المستخدمة لبنانية - حركة المرور الأيمن.

  22. المسافة بين بيت وزن, فلسطين و Shafir Regional Council, Ashkelon, South District, إسرائيل بالكيلومترات، ميلا. اتجاه الطريق, فرق التوقيت, الوقت المحدد. المسافة بين بيت وزن, فلسطين و Shafir Regional Council, South District, إسرائيل — 76 كم أو 46 ميل.

  23. Book Now. Volunteering Days and Times. Sundays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. 10 AM to 2 PM. Dress Code. Please wear closed shoes and clothing that you don't mind getting wet and dirty. Please also bring a hat. If you're drawn to a hands-on contribution, we welcome you to join us on the farm.

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