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  1. 道爾頓濾芯由天然無毒物料製作,過濾程序安全可靠,100% 英國製造,部份更獲得NSF42,53認證。 專售各款濾水器,可過濾泥沙、鐵鏽、氯氣,有機污染物,重金屬鉛等,為各大家庭信心之選。

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  3. Doulton Hong Kong. 4,060 likes · 34 talking about this. About Doulton Doulton® is proud to have been a pioneer in providing families with access to clean drinking water

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  4. Experience cleaner, safer, and tastier water with Doulton® and British Berkefeld® Water Filters, now in the spotlight after being featured in The Times newspaper. Backed by over 190 years of expertise, our advanced ceramic filters, pioneered by Doulton® and British Berkefeld®, address waterborne parasites, heavy metals, poor taste, and odors.

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  5. 網上選購 Doulton 道爾頓 濾水器食水處理產品,比較不同型號、特點及價錢。 友和提供最新 Doulton 道爾頓 濾水器貨品型號,另有 Panasonic、Philips、Mitsubishi、DeLonghi、Midea 等廚房電器推薦,更可享額外折扣優惠及送貨服務。

  6. Doulton EShop | 8月特惠孖芯優惠 】 今日起(8月8日至8月14日期間),ESHOP 為迎合消費券,已推出一個特惠的孖芯優惠,足不出戶就可以購買到貨品。 唔使諗咁多啦,即刻CLICK入以下連結去購買適合的濾芯 https://bit.ly/3vM6qZt *支援 AlipayHK、 WeChat Pay HK、 Payme及 八達通 ...

  7. 比較超過104 Doulton濾水器 濾芯 的價格,查看詳細規格、用家意見、相關情報及二手買賣,安心訂購產品享折扣優惠及購物保障.

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