雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. ESS is an internet-based system which enables listed issuers to submit documents to the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong for publication on the HKEXnews website.

  2. www.hkex.com.hk › Listing › Rules-and-Guidance電子呈交系統 - HKEX

    教學工具. 電子呈交系統用戶手冊及參考指南. 電子呈交系統之操作時間及聯絡我們. 常問問題. 上市公司發布訊息系統運作受干擾時的相關安排. 上市電子表格. 檔案資料. 電子呈交系統. 登入. 登記電子呈交系統 (只供上市發行人及專業代理使用) 教學工具. 電子呈交系統用戶手冊及參考指南. 電子呈交系統之操作時間及聯絡我們. 常問問題. 有關「披露易」網站服務或發布訊息的系統運作受干擾時上市公司發布訊息及相關交易安排. 電子呈交系統為一個網上平台,以供上市發行人遞交文件予聯交所以登載於披露易網站。

  3. www1.esubmission.hkex.com.hk › EDSE › mainHKEX EDS

    5 天前 · ESS Hotline Numbers: Email:

  4. 1 Introduction. 1.1 User Identification. Your company is required to register for access to the system. If your registration is successful, HKEX will create your Company Profile on the system.

  5. The enhanced ESS website adopts a new URL (https://www1.esubmission.hkex.com.hk). Please check if you have used the new URL to access to the enhanced ESS website. If you are consistently unable to access the enhanced ESS website, se call the ESS plea

  6. The URL of thee-Submission System (ESS) is https://www1.eSubmission.hkex.com.hk. A user account includes a User ID, a User Password and a OneTime Passcode generated - from security token that are required to login to the system. A login user should

  7. A set of user manuals and reference guides to provide instructions for using the ESS.