雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Top Have More Fun at the Airport Top Art Features Inside the Airport

  2. Art Feature in the Airport Details NAA Art Gallery. NAA Art Gallery has on display paintings as well as a wide range of other art pieces, including photographs, illustrations and embroidery for the artistic enjoyment of airport users. Non-passenger visitors to the airport are also welcomed to view the work on display.

  3. 第3航站樓 藝術項目. 2022年4月份第3航站樓出發大廳擴建後,成田機場出自「讓機場給旅客留下更亮麗美好的回憶」的願望,以「Make Terminal 3 Vivid」為概念,在第3航站樓各處裝飾藝術空間。. 來機場時不妨欣賞一下哦。.

  4. Art exhibitions in the airport. You can enjoy various art in the airport, including works featuring the airport, spatial presentations by artists and museums, Japanese paintings, and digital signs.

  5. 進一步樂遊機場. 向喜歡飛機、想接觸日本文化、喜歡欣賞藝術、想要更加了解成田機場、想用特別的方式度過美好時光的旅客,介紹機場的推薦專集。.

  6. Exhibits feature real aircraft and aircraft parts, hands-on experience corners, a library, observatory and other elements that provide a fascinating insight into the history and science of humanity in flight.

  7. 空港内アート特集一覧. NAAアートギャラリー. アート散歩道. 第3ターミナルアートプロジェクト. 落とし物・忘れ物. お問い合わせ・ご意見. 空港からのお知らせ. イベント・おすすめ情報. サイトマップ.