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  2. At present, most of Hong Kong’s food waste is disposed of at landfills together with other municipal solid waste (MSW). In 2022, there were some 11,130 tonnes of MSW disposed of at landfills each day. Of these, about 3,300 tonnes (30%) were food waste, constituting the largest MSW category.

  3. 2021年9月21日 · 1. Food waste generally refers to produce thrown away by the consumer, whereas food loss usually happens at the production, post-harvest and processing stages of the food chain. 2. Around one fifth of food produced for human consumption is either lost or wasted, amounting to a financial loss of about US$1 trillion annually.

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  4. Presentation: Food Waste Fines in Restaurants Why do people waste food? What is stopping them from being less wasteful? Think about what areas of Chinese culture and Hong Kong lifestyle might affect the amount of food wasted at homes and restaurants.

  5. 2021年9月28日 · An additional 132 million people face food and nutrition insecurity today because of the COVID-19 pandemic, FAO said, ahead of the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste, on...

  6. The Food Wise Hong Kong Campaign, was launched by the former Environment Bureau in May 2013 to promote a food wise and waste less culture, and to instill behavioural changes in the community to avoid and reduce the generation of food waste at source

  7. 2020年3月18日 · Almost two-thirds of this (15% of food emissions) comes from losses in the supply chain which result from poor storage and handling techniques; lack of refrigeration; and spoilage in transport and processing. The other 9% comes from food thrown away by retailers and consumers.

  8. www.cfs.gov.hk › other_foodsafety › reduce_foodwaste減少浪費食物 - CFS

    2024年8月5日 · 產生廚餘的常見原因. 過量購買. 貯存不當. 過量生産. 混淆不清的食物標籤. 減少廚餘 同時確保食物安全. 以下是一些實用貼士: 預先計劃飲食. 養成購買食物前預先檢查家中已有食物的習慣,然後列出購物清單,以免重複和過量購買,並且按照清單購物。 採用「先入先出」的原則,先食用較早過期的食物及其他容易變壞的新鮮食物。 「此日期或之前食用」與「此日期前最佳」 「此日期或之前食用」關乎食物安全。 這是關鍵日期,切記食物在這個日期及之前可供安全食用,但之後不能。 容易變壞的食物都會標示「此日期或之前食用」日期,例如肉類製品或即食沙律。 請嚴格按照生產商的指示貯存食物,「此日期或之前食用」日期才可作為有效的指引。

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