- Food waste represents 35% of MSW in Hong Kong, making its processing a challenge for the government. The two main sources of food waste are 1) households food waste, and 2) commercial and industrial (C&I) food waste, from restaurants, hotels, and wet markets, representing 13.3% of total MSW.
How much food waste is disposed of in Hong Kong?
What is the waste problem in Hong Kong?
How much waste does Hong Kong generate a day?
Can Hong Kong reduce food waste?
What is Hong Kong's organic waste?
Will Hong Kong achieve 40% food waste reduction by 2022?
At present, most of Hong Kong’s food waste is disposed of at landfills together with other municipal solid waste (MSW). In 2022, there were some 11,130 tonnes of MSW disposed of at landfills each day. Of these, about 3,300 tonnes (30%) were food waste, constituting the largest MSW category.
The waste problem in Hong Kong is becoming increasingly severe. We discarded about 1.51 kg of municipal solid waste per person per day. Food waste is the largest source of Hong Kong’s municipal solid waste. In 2022, about 3,300 tonnes of food waste
The HK government has introduced the Waste Blueprint for Hong Kong 2035, with a goal to achieve “Waste Reduction • Resources Circulation • Zero Landfill” by 2035. Domestic food waste disposal has reduced by 17% from 0.37 kg per person per day in 2013 to 0.30 kg in 2019.
2022年8月8日 · Unfortunately, food waste is still unavoidable, and the situation in Hong Kong is quickly sinking into a quicksand of landfills that are nearly reaching overcapacity. In recent years, the segment that trickles down to the latter stages of the strategy is managed through public collection and recycling.
2024年7月5日 · 解決香港食物浪費問題的可持續方案. 2024年07月05日. | 香港地球之友政策研究及倡議團隊. 2022 年,香港每日平均有大約 3,300 公噸廚餘被棄置於堆填區,佔固體廢物總量的 30% [1]。. 堆填區內的廚餘分解時會產生甲烷這種溫室氣體,其溫室效應強度為 ...
Hong Kong’s food waste In 2011, our base year, Hong Kong people threw away about 3,600 tonnes of food waste every day – two-thirds came from households (around 2,500 tonnes) and one-third from food-related commercial and industrial (C&I) sources (around
2023年1月27日 · In 2020, over 3,000 tonnes of food wastewent to Hong Kong’s landfills daily. Currently, we have only one operational centre, O Park, which uses anaerobic digestion technology to convert...