雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Food Waste Challenge. Current Status. At present, most of Hong Kong’s food waste is disposed of at landfills together with other municipal solid waste (MSW). In 2022, there were some 11,130 tonnes of MSW disposed of at landfills each day. Of these, about 3,300 tonnes (30%) were food waste, constituting the largest MSW category.

  2. 2021年9月28日 · Food insecurity, hunger and malnutrition are impacting every country in the world and no country is unaffected; 811 million people suffer hunger, two billion suffer micronutrient deficiencies –...

  3. 在2022年,每天約有11,130公噸都市固體廢物被棄置於堆填區,當中約3,300公噸 (30%)為廚餘,佔棄置的都市固體廢物中最大類別。. 在每天棄置於堆填區的廚餘中,約1,000公噸是來自工商業,包括食肆、酒店、街市、食品製造及加工業等。. 現時把廚餘棄置於堆填區的 ...

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  4. 2021年3月26日 · Around 931 million tonnes of food goes to waste each year. 61% comes from households, 26% from food service and 13% from retail. Reducing waste could have social, economic and environmental benefits. The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to halve food waste by 2030.

    • Natalie Marchant
    • food waste problem1
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  5. Do you think food waste will still be a major problem 20 years from now? Do the benefits of transporting food long distances outweigh the costs? How can technology help in reducing food waste in the future?

  6. The waste problem in Hong Kong is becoming increasingly severe. We discarded about 1.51 kg of municipal solid waste per person per day. Food waste is the largest source of Hong Kong’s municipal solid waste. In 2022, about 3,300 tonnes of food waste

  7. 2024年3月27日 · While a third of humanity faces food insecurity, an equivalent of one billion meals go to waste every day, a new report by the UN environment agency (UNEP) revealed on Wednesday. One fifth of...

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