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  1. 環球優勢。. 投資專長。. 不論是機構或是個人投資者,每位客戶都抱着同樣的追求 - 實現財務目標。. 75多年來,我們一直努力為客戶成就夢想。. 富蘭克林鄧普頓始終專注於為客戶爭取更卓越的回報。. 因此,逾155個國家和地區的數百萬位客户放心委託我們進行 ...

  2. www.franklintempleton.com.hk › en-hk › about-usFranklin Templeton Hong Kong

    Franklin Templeton Hong Kong. Franklin Templeton Investments (Asia) Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Franklin Resources, Inc. [NYSE:BEN], a global investment management organization known as Franklin Templeton Investments. Our headquarters is located in San Mateo, California.

  3. Franklin Templeton is a global leader in asset management with more than seven decades of experience. Learn more about our range of mutual funds and ETFs.

  4. 富蘭克林鄧普頓投資 (亞洲) 有限公司為Franklin Resources, Inc. [NYSE:BEN] 之全資附屬公司。Franklin Resources, Inc.是以富蘭克林鄧普頓投資名義營運的環球投資機構,總部位於美國加州聖馬提奧,擁有超過65年的投資經驗,辨事處設於全球超過30個國家。

  5. 富蘭克林近日屢獲投資人檢舉詐騙集團冒用本公司名義以進行詐騙,提醒民眾切勿上當! 詳全文> 重要交易通知. 本公司不接受現金申購,不會派人收取現金或任何財物,亦不會要求匯款至個人銀行帳戶。 申購流程及匯款指示詳見「投資人須知」 詳全文> 看更多觀點. 每日國際股債市焦點. 美國股市. PPI數據回升無礙降息預期持續發酵,美股走高. 日期:2024/07/15. PPI數據回升無礙降息預期持續發酵,美股走高。 美國6月PPI年增2.6%,核心PPI則年增3%,雙雙高於預期且同創2023年3月以來新高,但密西根大學調查顯示,7月未來一年、五年通膨預期均從前月的3%降至2.9%,投資人仍認為聯準會有望在9月開啟降息週期,帶動美股四大指數齊揚,道瓊工業指數站回40000點大關。

  6. Franklin Templeton

  7. Franklin Resources, Inc. is an American multinational holding company that, together with its subsidiaries, is referred to as Franklin Templeton; it is a global investment firm founded in New York City in 1947 as Franklin Distributors, Inc.

  8. 首页 | 富兰克林邓普顿. 了解我们的投资团队. 富兰克林邓普顿汇聚了广泛的投资品牌和团队,为我们的客户于不同资产类别、投资风格和地域内以及跨资产类别提供深厚的专业知识。 了解更多. 最新焦点. 关注富兰克林邓普顿微信号. 新播客 <宏观视角下> 从亚洲角度为亚洲投资者提供资本市场见解. 投资教育视频. 富兰克林邓普顿学院是一项全球性培训课程,致力不断提升您的知识和技能,令您能够为客户提供超卓服务。 了解更多. 市场评论. 新兴市场投资探索. 跟随我们专业的投资团队周游世界,利用当地的知识和技术,亲自走访各家公司,为您寻找新兴市场的投资机会。 透视牛市与熊市. 紧贴富兰克林邓普顿投资经理对复杂的环球投资市场长期前景的看法。 重要资料. 本文件对本集团及其它事项的描述乃属一般性质。

  9. 为何选择富兰克林邓普顿?. | 富兰克林邓普顿. 全球优势。. 投资 专长. 不论是机构或是个人投资者, 每位客户都抱着同样的追求 – 实现财务目标。. 75多年来,我们一直努力为客户成就梦想。. 富兰克林邓普顿始终专注于为客户争取更卓越的回报。. 因此,逾155 ...

  10. www.franklintempleton.com.hk › zh-hk › about-usFranklin Templeton

    富蘭克林鄧普頓投資基金. 重要資料. 富蘭克林鄧普頓投資基金 (「本基金」)乃一傘子基金,並包含不同風險範圍的子基金,該等子基金投資於股票、固定收益證券、貨幣市場工具及衍生工具。

  11. 富兰克林邓普顿基金集团(Franklin Templeton Investments) 最大的上市基金管理公司。 富兰克林邓普顿基金集团自成立以来,一直都专注于经营基金管理业务,是进入国内基金管理行业的专业性最强的国际基金管理公司之一。

  12. 2014年10月16日 · 富兰克林邓普顿基金集团自成立以来,一直都专注于经营基金管理业务,是目前进入 国内基金 管理行业的专业性最强的国际基金管理公司之一。 [ 编辑] 富兰克林邓普顿基金集团十大投资法则. (一)当所有人都看好这个市场时,那么就是你该离开的时候了. --记住:赚钱的永远是少数人. 这句话形象地说明了“ 逆向思维 ”的重要性。 多年 资本市场 的经验告诉了我们,在一个有风险的投资市场中,少数人赚钱是一条永恒的规律,多数人只是参与或者赔本。 在这种情况下,如何成为少数人,成为少数的赚钱者,一个简单易行的方法就是和大多数人保持对立,采取“人弃我取,人取我弃”的操作策略。

  13. Franklin Templeton is a global leader in asset management with more than seven decades of experience. Learn more about our range of mutual funds and ETFs.

  14. Franklin Templeton Investment Funds (the "Fund") is an umbrella fund and contains different sub-funds with different risk profiles that invest in equities, fixed income securities, money market instruments and derivatives.

  15. www.franklintempleton.com.hk › en-hk › about-usContact us - Hong Kong

    Phone: +852 2910 9229. Email: Loretta.Lui@franklintempleton.com. Follow Us on Wechat. You can connect with us through WeChat to get the latest market and investment updates! Search for our WeChat ID “franklin-templeton” or scan the below QR code. We Believe in the Value of Advice.

  16. At Franklin Templeton Investment Solutions, we believe that a diversified portfolio — across asset classes, styles, sectors, and regions — may offer individual investors the best opportunity for superior risk-adjusted returns over the long term.

  17. Redline fund supplement and SFDR annex of FTGF Brandywine Global Income Optimiser Fund. Web notice dated 10 May 2024 - Result of the EGM in respect of the proposed updates to the investment policy of FTGF Brandywine Global Fixed Income Fund. (For Franklin Templeton Investment Funds with Class B shares) Effective April 1, 2016, class B shares ...

  18. Franklin Resources, Inc. [NYSE:BEN] is a global investment management organization with subsidiaries operating as Franklin Templeton and serving clients in over 155 countries. Franklin Templeton’s mission is to help clients achieve better outcomes through investment management

  19. Established in 1947, Franklin Templeton is a leading global investment firm that delivers expertise across asset classes and geographies through its multiple specialist investment managers. One of the world’s leading global fixed income managers.

  20. At Franklin Templeton, we bring together an extensive range of investment managers, each with specialised expertise, an independent investment philosophy, and covering a myriad of investment objectives. They're all here, on one platform and backed by the financial strength and agility of a trusted global partner.

  21. Franklin Templeton Academy (FTA) is a global education programme that seeks to contribute to your knowledge and skills so that you, in turn, can provide superior service to your clients. Franklin Templeton has played a significant role in financial education and training for decades.

  22. The Templeton maxims were created by Sir John Templeton, who was the founder of the Templeton investment group. He was regarded as one of the world's wisest and most respected investors. Forbes magazine described him as “the dean of global investing” and “one of the most successful money managers in history”.

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