雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Placement solutions for panels used in communication infrastructure. 5G operations are now in full swing all around the world, and production of 5G base stations is proceeding at a rapid pace. Stability and improvements in processing capability are sought from 5G base stations and servers so that large data loads can be processed without delay.

  2. sFAB-D, the multi-purpose automated fabrication machine, flexibly supports various part sizes, shapes, and supply packages, from leaded parts to large odd-form parts, and automates insertion processes that are performed manually, providing stable quality and production.

  3. 2024年4月12日 · NEWS TOPICS. 羽田机场【TAX FREE 预约商城】服务正式上线!. 开设了SMT设备以及SMT相关产品的网站“FUJI SMT Site”。. 参展“第37届 INTERNEPCON JAPAN”展会。. 开设专题网站。. Copyright© FUJI CORPORATION. All Rights Reserved. 株式会社FUJI 株式会社FUJI是一家集研发、生产 ...

  4. 为此SMT工艺也必须随之完善相应的功能。 以下,我们将介绍在生产5G基站以及服务器主板的时关键的贴装解决方案。 预防吸取、贴装不良

  5. NXT III. モバイル端末、カーエレクトロニクスをはじめ、多機能で高性能な電子機器が普及しています。. しかし、それらのライフサイクルは総じて短いため、生産現場では、短時間での量産立上げと需要の変化に柔軟に対応できる生産設備が求められてい ...

  6. The NXT III is a modular SMT mounter that is able to provide the best line every time for factories that have such kinds of frequent changes for producing electronics devices. Catalog download 1

  7. FUJI CORPORATION Development, manufacturing, and sales of SMT machines, assembly machines, and machine tools. We create products, functions, and services that meet customer demands.

  8. NXTR offers a truly modular design for the optimal line configuration that caters to your production. Real-time sensing placement, optimized placement actions, and part handling checks after placement are just a few examples. This high end model machine supports new functions that preserve a high level of QCD performance.

  9. 详细介绍. 新型工作头扩大了元件的应对尺寸范围。. 即使在因切换产品而改变使用物料时也能灵活应对,既不会打破生产线的平衡,也会不降低生产效率。. 通过扩大支持搬运的电路板尺寸,单轨能搬运不超过750mm × 610mm的电路板;双轨能搬运不超过370mm×280mm的 ...

  10. 2024年11月1日 · 株式会社FUJI 電子部品実装機(自動装着機/組立機)、工作機械の開発・製造・販売。. お客様のニーズにお応えできる製品・技術・サービスを提供します。.