雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The national flag of Greece, popularly referred to as the "turquoise and white one" ( Greek: Γαλανόλευκη, Galanólefki) or the "azure and white" ( Κυανόλευκη, Kyanólefki ), is officially recognised by Greece as one of its national symbols and has 5 equal horizontal stripes of blue alternating with white.

  2. 希臘 國旗 ( 希臘語 : Σημαία της Ελλάδος ,通常被稱為 Γαλανόλευκη 或 Κυανόλευκη 意“藍白”),是由藍白二色、十字圖案及平行長條所構成的旗幟。 亦是希臘的舊商船旗和軍艦旗。 9條藍白相間的平行長條象徵 希臘獨立戰爭 時的口號「 Ελευθερία ή Θάνατος 」( 不自由,毋寧死 )的9個 音節 (另一說是9長條象徵9位 希臘神話 中的文藝女神(9在希臘歷來表示範圍))。 藍十字象徵在1821年 土耳其 獨立起義之際、 巴特拉 的 蓋爾馬諾斯 府主教揮揚的白底藍十字旗。 官方標準的國旗比例是2:3。 希腊国旗历史. 现今的“十字与条纹”国旗的起源是一个有争议的问题。

  3. National flag consisting of nine horizontal stripes of blue and white with a blue canton bearing a white cross. The flag has a width-to-length ratio of 2 to 3.In the 19th century Greece was under Ottoman rule, but the desire for religious freedom and cultural development led to a nationalist revolt.

  4. 希臘 國旗 ( 希臘語 : Σημαία της Ελλάδος ,通常被稱為 Γαλανόλευκη 或 Κυανόλευκη 意「藍白」),是由藍白二色、十字圖案及平行長條所構成的旗幟。 亦是希臘的舊商船旗和軍艦旗。 9條藍白相間的平行長條象徵 希臘獨立戰爭 時的口號「 Ελευθερία ή Θάνατος 」( 不自由,毋寧死 )的9個 音節 (另一說是9長條象徵9位 希臘神話 中的文藝女神(9在希臘歷來表示範圍))。 藍十字象徵在1821年 土耳其 獨立起義之際、 巴特拉 的 蓋爾馬諾斯 府主教揮揚的白底藍十字旗。 官方標準的國旗比例是2:3。 希臘國旗歷史 [ 編輯] 參見: 十字. 現今的「十字與條紋」國旗的起源是一個有爭議的問題。

  5. The Greek flag originated during the uprising against the Turks in 1821, when a blue flag with a white cross was raised in order to oppose the Ottoman crescent. The flag in its present form was adopted in 1822.

  6. The flag of Greece features nine equal horizontal stripes of blue alternating with white (five blue and four white stripes). A blue square bearing a white cross appears in the upper hoist-side corner.

  7. The flag of Greece is rectangular with nine equal stripes of blue (5) and white (4) from left to right. In the top left corner is a blue square with a white cross. This flag has been used since 1822, when the young Greek state was fighting for its independence from the Ottoman Empire during the Greek War of Independence. [1]

  8. The national flag of Greece, popularly referred to as the "turquoise and white one" or the "azure and white", is officially recognised by Greece as one of its national symbols and has 5 equal horizontal stripes of blue alternating with white.

  9. The national flag of Greece consists of nine horizontal stripes of equal width – five blue and four white, which alternate. The upper hoist-side corner contains a blue canton that stretches along the first five stripes and contains a white cross.

  10. Information about the flags of Greece: National Blue and white flag, Flag of the Revolution, Flag of the Greek Church.