雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 綠色力量在1988年成立,由一群香港市民義務創立,專注本地環境事務和相關議題。. 自成立以來,我們致力推動環境教育,並一直以此為首要工作目標,因為我們相信,「教育」是改變「觀念」和「行為」的最根本方法。.

  2. 最新消息. 「第三十二屆-綠色力量環島行」將於2025年1月11日舉行,並於9月下旬接受報名。. 歡迎 訂閱最新資訊 。. 如公司/機構希望成為「綠色力量環島行(2025)」的贊助伙伴,歡迎與 我們聯絡 。. 「第三十一屆 - 綠色力量環島行」完滿結束,感謝支持及 ...

  3. www.greenpower.org.hk › enGREEN POWER

    Reviving rare freshwater valley wetland in Hong Kong, and recapturing their former greenery, prosperous farmscape and rich biodiversity. Long Valley Nature Park Habitat Management Service. Long Valley, the largest freshwater wetland in Hong Kong, is also an important habitat for birds.

  4. www.greenpower.org.hk › about-us關於我們

    綠色力量於1988年由一群熱心關注環境的香港市民義務創立,是一個紮根本地的環保團體。. 自成立以來,一直以「環境教育」為核心使命,因為我們相信,「教育」是改變「觀念」和「行為」的最根本方法。. 綠色力量榮獲由「中華環境保護基金會」頒發的 第二 ...

  5. hike.greenpower.org.hk › eng › homeGreen Power Hike

    A Green Hiking Experience. Throughout the planning of Green Power Hike, we undertake a green approach to minimise the environmental impact of the event. We hope that Green Power Hike will become a starting point for hikers to learn about "Leave No Trace" and put it into practice while enjoying a green walk in nature.

  6. 使用我們友好的 GreenPower EV 移動應用程序查找離您最近的 GreenPower 充電點。 它與任何插電式電動或插電式混合動力汽車兼容。 GreenPower EV 應用程序允許您:

  7. hike.greenpower.org.hk › eng › about-green-power-hikeAbout Green Power Hike

    Since 1994, Green Power Hike greets over thousands of participants on the Hong Kong Trail every January or February. Over the years, the annual event has accumulated nearly 80,000 hikers to hike for a green future. We are dedicated to the promotion of nature appreciation through hands-on hiking experience.

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