雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The Greater Bay Area Science Competition (GBASPC) 2023 STEM Forum cum Award Presentation Ceremony, organized by Gifted Education Council and G.T. (Ellen Yeung) College was held with a grand success on 18 November 2023 in the Hong Kong

  2. 香港學界巧固球錦標賽冠軍. 一年一度的「香港學界巧固球錦標賽」於2024年2月4日舉行。 女子隊以三勝一負的成績晉身決賽,僅以7分之差,獲得女子W12組別的全港亞軍。 男子組也力爭上游,以全勝姿態,晉身決賽。 雖然開局僅以一分之距領先,但調整狀態後,立刻發揮出應有的水準,以39:19勝出,成為全港男子組M12組別的冠軍!

  3. GT College is the first college to nurture and develop their talents. It was founded in 1996 by Gifted Education Council, a charitable organization for gifted education in Hong Kong. We believe every child has his own giftedness and talents that can be enhanced through education.

  4. New Senior Secondary Curriculum (NSS) For the local stream, students will have to complete 3 years of junior-secondary plus 3 years of senior-secondary education, and then sit for the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE). Students in the NSS level will need to study 4 core subjects (Chinese Language, English Language, ...

  5. GT (Ellen Yeung) College is a full-time direct subsidy school for boys and girls in Hong Kong. It was founded by the Gifted Education Association in 1996. It provides twelve years of primary and secondary education. [1] Curriculum The school has implemented a ...

  6. 優才(楊殷有娣)書院 G.T. (Ellen Yeung) College 辦學宗旨:學校的使命是為社會培育優秀的科技和領袖人才。學校重視培養品德、提高學養。愛心、創意、勤奮是學校的教育目標。

  7. GT (Ellen Yeung) College 優才楊殷有娣書院是位於西貢區的一所直資學校。該校接收男女學生,屬於Band 1 學校。教學語言主要以英文為主。創校於2005年,辦學團體是優才志潔學校有限公司。 中一入學申請: 不參加中學學位分配辦法的統一派位。

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