雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 韓牛.魚子醬.生蠔.燕窩滋味四重奏海鮮自助晚餐. 今個夏日,於Harbour Grand Café 咖啡廳品嘗以海鮮為主題,融合了韓牛、魚子醬、生蠔及燕窩四大珍饈的自助晚餐。. Harbour Grand Café 咖啡廳將於每個星期五至日呈獻原條黃鰭吞拿魚席前解體表演,帶您展開一場 ...

  2. Luxury Hotel in the fashionable district of Causeway Bay with a panoramic view of Victoria Harbour. Check out our packages & stay with us.

  3. 客房. 酒店盡佔臨海地利,828間客房及服務式套房的每扇偌大窗戶,仿如寬闊大銀幕,全日播映不同角度的維港醉人景致,為香港酒店住宿的必然首選。. 當中的122 間套房及客房,設有現代化的小廚房,讓長住酒店的賓客享受烹調的樂趣及方便。. 另有七層共202間 ...

  4. 隨後可於The Point 大堂酒吧享用盛夏.和風祭下午茶,自製度假感. 月租優惠由$13,500起,適用入住日期至2025年6月30日!. 入住日期越長,即享高達$500月租折扣及其他優惠。. 入住期間尊享早餐及洗衣折扣,免費使用25米長戶外露天游泳池及健身室。. 特定客房配備 ...

  5. Overlooking the beautiful Victoria Harbor, the rooms offer free Wi-Fi and wired internet access. The hotel is 2 MTR stations from Causeway Bay and about 18 mi from Chek Lap Kok International Airport. All guestrooms at Hong Kong Grand Harbor feature modern décor and panoramic city or harbor views.

  6. Harbour Grand Hong Kong. 23 Oil Street, North Point, Hong Kong (MTR Fortress Hill Station, Exit A) Tel : (852) 2121 2688. hghk@harbourgrand.com. Harbour Grand Hong Kong has an ideal location in the city. Our Causeway Bay hotel location is just a few steps from the underground MTR transportation system offering easy access to the rest of Hong Kong.

  7. 入住Harbour Grand Hong Kong享受宛如明星待遇的世界級服務. 港島海逸君綽酒店距離港鐵炮台山地鐵站步行 2 分鐘路程,設有室外游泳池並提供免費區域內接駁服務。. 客房可俯瞰美麗的維多利亞港,並於房內提供免費 WiFi 和有線網路服務。. 飯店距離銅鑼灣 2 站 ...

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