雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Category A - HKDSE Core Subjects:English Language. Assessment Framework. Curriculum and Assessment Guide. Samples of Candidates' Performance. Sample Papers. Level Descriptors. Other Resources.

  2. 2024年3月7日 · 甲類 - 新高中科目核心科目: 英國語文 - 評核大綱. 2027年香港中學文憑考試評核大綱(英文版). 3/7/2024. 2026年香港中學文憑考試評核大綱(英文版). 29/6/2023. 2025年香港中學文憑考試評核大綱(英文版). 16/6/2022. 2024年香港中學文憑考試評核大綱(英文版). 1/6/2021.

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  4. 2023年7月10日 · Here is a list of English Language Education curriculum documents for primary and secondary levels.

  5. The detailed requirements, regulations and guidelines are provided in the SBA Handbook for HKDSE English Language published by the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority.

  6. English Language (Primary 1 – Secondary 6) is a core subject in the English Language Education Key Learning Area (KLA) curriculum, whereas Literature in English (Secondary 4 – 6) is an elective subject. The curriculum framework for the English

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  7. The public assessment of the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) English language Exam consists of a public examination component and a school-based assessment component.

  8. Overview. Reading Passages. Part A. Part A comprises two texts: a news report on a government decision to fell some century-old banyan trees (Text 1) and a feature article on why and how banyan trees are ‘worshipped’ in Hong Kong.

  1. hkdse english language syllabus 相關

  2. 想知自己嘅英語水平?立即登記Wall Street免費網上測試!送《日常英語》小册子,立即登記。 現登記可獲免費英語能力測試、日常英語小册子及免費英文會話班一次!