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  1. DSE.LIFE 提供各科嘅 DSEPP AL CE DSE Past Paper,望每一位DSE考生都能享有平等嘅學習資源。.

  2. Speaks fluently and naturally, with very little hesitation using intonation with some sophistication to enhance communication. Uses appropriate body language to display and encourage interest. Uses a full range of strategies skilfully to initiate and maintain interaction and to respond to others.

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  3. 2024年2月16日 · AfterSchool 邀請咗 Mr. J 同大家分享 DSE 英文 Oral 5** skills,令你唔再驚 Paper 4 英文口試,輕鬆做好小組討論!.

  4. 甲類 - 新高中核心科目: 英國語文 - 考生表現示例 - 2021年考試. 日期. 試卷一 (只提供英文版) 19/11/2021. 試卷一額外示例 (只提供英文版) 19/11/2021. 試卷二 (只提供英文版) 19/11/2021. 試卷二額外示例 (只提供英文版)

  5. ENGLISH LANGUAGE PAPER 4 GUIDELINES FOR CANDIDATES Introduction The speaking examination consists of two parts: Part A, Group Interaction; and Part B, Individual Response. In Part A, a group of candidates are required to discuss an assigned

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  6. 1. Why do some people not want to be famous? 2. Why is it sometimes difficult being famous? 3. What are some of the advantages of being famous? 4. Why is personal privacy so important to some people?

  7. 2021年8月19日 · 策略性 操練B2 及 針對性 操B1. 力挽狂瀾,逆轉命運. 👆 在 DSE 英文 Paper 4 的小組討論時,一個有質素的發言要訣有五部曲: DSE 英文 Paper 4 沒有既定的格式。. 大家可能不知道應該怎麼開始句子,想自然得來又不能太過口語,所以我會給大家一些句式,大家可以 ...

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