雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 為證券及投資業界而設立的專業團體,提供考試、培訓、活動、會籍等服務.

  2. www.hksi.orgHKSI

    Professional organisation for securities & investment industry that provides examination, training, events, and membership services.

  3. www.hksi.org › hk › qualification概覽 - HKSI

    概覽. 證券及期貨從業員資格考試(資格考試)為有志投身香港證券及投資業的人士而設,考試內容實用並緊貼市場。. 《證券及期貨條例》的單一發牌制度涵蓋了13類受規管活動,要求任何人士擁有單一牌照或註冊以進行各類受規管活動。. 資格考試已獲 證券及 ...

  4. The HKSI Institute's Qualifications Roadmap is only a recommendation for candidate to build their capacity in the financial service industry, but not a designated pathway. Candidate should refer to the entry requirement and examination structure of each examinations/qualifications.

  5. login.hksi.org › loginLogin - HKSI

    HKSI Institute Access. Learn. Progress. Forgot username/password? Activate/Create account Login ...

  6. Professional organisation for securities & investment industry that provides examination, training, events, and membership services.

  7. www.hksi.org › en › aboutContact us - HKSI

    Professional organisation for securities & investment industry that provides examination, training, events, and membership services.

  8. 您可在本平台選報持續專業培訓活動、其他活動和考試。. 如有任何查詢,請電郵至 support@hksi.org。.

  9. www.hksi.org › hk › enrolment報考 - HKSI

    電腦模式考試 的考生應留意自2024年8月8日起生效的新報名步驟(請參閱下方的「程序」部份)。. 您亦可點擊此處查看常見問題。. 程序 特別安排 更改個人資料. 於截止報名日期前透過學會的 電子服務網站 或 學會應用程式 (HKSI Institute Mobile) 報名參加考試。. 以 ...

  10. To address the needs of different finance practitioners, the HKSI Institute provides a multi-tier membership structure. Please find our 6 classes of membership below. Members of the HKSI Institute agree to oblige by the Membership Rules and Code of Ethics

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