雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年7月2日 · Welcome. Inspiring a culture for sustainable innovation. Pushing the boundaries of innovation, making new discoveries and establishing new research paradigms. About the school. Committed to pursuing cutting-edge research, making groundbreaking discoveries and establishing new research paradigms.

  2. 科大團隊提出高頻重力波創新探測方法 助探索宇宙奧秘. 由香港科技大學(科大)物理系副教授劉滔教授領導的研究團隊,最近提出了一種探測高頻重力波(high-frequency gravitational waves, HFGWs)的突破性方法,只需利用現時正在運作以及未來建造的天文望遠鏡,便 ...

  3. Study in the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, one of the best universities in Hong Kong and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area.

  4. Science (Group B) program is a School-based program for students who are interested in Chemistry and Life Science. In the first year of study, students will take the Science Foundation courses as well as some of the language, elective and/or general education courses.

  5. The School of Science is committed to pursuing cutting-edge research, making groundbreaking discoveries, and establishing new research paradigms. Our quality and well-balanced education heavily emphasizes grit, curiosity, and creativity.

  6. By gaining a profound understanding of the world’s social, economic, and environmental complexities through an interdisciplinary approach, we tackle global challenges with creativity and critical thinking skills.

  7. HKUST has rapidly risen in the global academic arena, ranked among the top-tier universities in Asia. These international recognitions are the result of a concerted effort on the part of all members of the University.

  8. 香港科技大學理學院致力追求頂尖的科研發展成果、突破性的發現並建立新的研究模式。. 我們著重高質量及全方位的教育,培養學生堅毅的精神、對事物的好奇心和創造力。. 我們致力於豐富學生的知識並建立學生的自信心,培育他們成為啟發型的領導者,在 ...

  9. Choose the right tools and resources to fit your academic needs and improve your well-being. Catering and Amenities. Counseling & Wellness. Getting Around. New Student Orientation. Non-local Student Guide. Scholarship, Financial Aid and Insurance. Shuttle Bus Services.

  10. Academic Advising forScience Students. SCI/HOME is the space where science students, faculty and staff. gather. Drop by ROOM 1401-1403 anytime to use the study rooms. or hang out in the social area.... make this your home on campus! OUR MISSION.

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