雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Holle有機1號嬰兒奶粉配方由99%有機種植的食材製造。 配方中使用的牛奶來自生機活力(demeter)農場生長的奶牛,是市場上唯一使用此最高級的有機牛奶的品牌。

  2. Our comprehensive organic range offers the right products for all ages and developmental stages. Our products meet the highest organic standards. Each one contains all the important vitamins and nutrients babies need for healthy development from day one .

  3. Holle有機牛肉以方便的125克小瓶盛載(含40%有機牛肉,其餘為水及有機米),為寶寶提供最優質的有機肉類。 把半瓶的分量加熱,添加到您的家常蔬菜蓉、馬鈴薯蓉、或任何Holle的有機瓶裝蔬菜便可。

  4. Holle有機2號嬰兒奶粉配方是100%無麩質,小麥,大豆和無添加糖份,魚油和基因改造成分。為了寶寶的健康成長,所有Holle嬰兒奶粉都沒有添加氟。它們既易消化又美味! Holle有機2號嬰兒奶粉配方是由99%的有機材料,再加上維他命和礦物質(法律規定的

  5. Holle - 有機 2 號幼童奶粉DHA+ARA配方 適用於六個月以上的嬰兒或由母乳轉換到奶粉。 非常適合用奶瓶餵養,同時也可用來開Holle的粥糊。 容易消化,不含麩質,無添加糖份,奶源來自有D..

  6. Organic Infant Formula 1. Contains DHA* (omega-3) from algae. Suitable as a supplement to breast milk. With Demeter milk from southern Germany. *Legally required for infant and follow-on formula. biodynamic. organic.

  7. Holle Organic Growing-up Milk 3 is made from 99% organically grown ingredients. The milk used in our formula comes from cows raised on biodynamic (Demeter) farms in caring and appropriate environments.

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