雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. www.statistics.gov.hk › pub › B1120016082020XXXXB0100Hong Kong Life Tables

    香港人口生命表2014–2069 v Hong Kong Life Tables 2014–2069 目錄 Contents 頁數 Page 統計表一覽 List of Tables vii 1. 人口生命表的編製 1. Construction of Life Table 1 死亡概率(q(x))的計算方法 Calculation of probability of dying (q(x)) 1 尚存人數(l(x))的計算方法 Calculation of number of survivors (l(x)) 3

  2. Hong Kong life tables [1981-2001]

  3. www.statistics.gov.hk › pub › B1120016022004XXXXB0100香港人口生命表

    香港人口生命表 1998–2033 v Hong Kong Life Tables 1998–2033 目錄 Contents 頁數 Page 統計表一覽 List of Tables vi 1. 人口生命表的編製 1. Construction of Life Table 死亡概率(q(x))的計算方法 Calculation of Probability of Dying (q(x)) 1 尚存人數(l(x))的計算方法 Calculation of Number of Survivors (l(x)) 3

  4. Hong Kong· Life Tables 1986-2011 Demographic Statistics Section Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong 2/F Koway Court, III Chai Wan Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong.Tel: 5151098Introduction Construction of a Life Table Life Tables Table 1 Hong Kong Life

  5. Census and Statistics Department: Hong Kong Life Table 2001; In Hong Kong Life Tables, 1971-2006, downloaded from: www.statistics.gov.hk (10.08.2007). Hong Kong Life Table for Males, 2001

  6. www.statistics.gov.hk › pub › B1120016032007XXXXB0100Lifetable 2006 based 20070703

    The life table is a statistical device used by statisticians, actuaries, demographers, public health workers and many others to present the mortality

  7. www.censtatd.gov.hk › en › data目錄

    Table 5 Hong Kong Life Table for Females, 1997 20 表六 一九九八年香港男性人口生命表 Table 6 Hong Kong Life Table for Males, 1998 22 表七 一九九八年香港女性人口生命表 Table 7 Hong Kong Life Table for Females, 1998 24 表八 一九九九年香港男性人口