雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The Hong Kong Management Association is a non-profit-making organisation which aims to be the leading professional organisation advancing management excellence in Hong Kong and the Region.

  2. It is consistently ranked as a leading business school in the Asia-Pacific region. MGSM has been offering postgraduate programmes in Hong Kong with The Hong Kong Management Association since 1994. Renowned for its quality, flexibility and extensive

  3. The Hong Kong Management Association is a non-profit-making organization which aims to be the leading professional organization advancing management excellence in Hong Kong and the Region.

  4. The Hong Kong Management Association is governed by the Council, which comprises eminent persons from industry, commerce and education. The Chairman of the Council and the Association is currently Prof Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges GBS JP. The Executive Committee is empowered by the Council to supervise in detail the affairs of the Association.

  5. Talent Development Fund. Since its establishment in 1960, the Association has the mission to nurture human capital through management education and training at all levels for developing talents for Hong Kong.

  6. hk.linkedin.com › company › hkmaHKMA - LinkedIn

    The Hong Kong Management Association | HKMA is a non-profit-making organization with a vision to be the leading professional organization advancing management excellence in HK and the Region....

  7. In view of the importance of innovation to organizations’ sustainable growth and the increasing demand for innovative talents, the scope of the HKMA Academy for Retail Innovation and Management (ARIM) which was established in November 2018, was expanded beyond the retail sector and renamed as Academy for Innovation and Management (AIM) in May ...

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