雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 本協會的角色是盡力地去與本地及國際的組織聯絡和合作,以便作出學術和科學的互動和交流。 現時為止,已有多個學術活動成功地舉行。 在將來,我們希望能協調及與亞洲其他國家的泌尿婦科或相關組織合作。

  2. As there is upgrowing public interest and demand in the field of urogynaecology, we, gynecologists, find it meaningful and mandatory to create a website about our subspecialty for better informative guidance, patient care as well as professional development.

  3. The organization will be named “The Hong Kong Urogynaecology Association” Address Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 30 Gascoigne Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  4. Hong Kong Urological Association (HKUA) was founded in 1988. Since its commencement, the association has operated with the objectives to facilitate advancement and academic discussion within the Urology profession, as well as to equip the general public in Hong Kong with a better understanding of urological diseases.

  5. 香港泌尿婦科協會. Hong Kong Urogynaecology Association. Tel : info@hkuga.org.hk. http://www.hkuga.org.hk. 甲. 對泌尿婦科有興趣的醫護人員 (如執業醫生﹑ 護士﹑物理治療師等)提供平台以促進泌尿婦科資訊在本港和國際間之交流。 乙. 提升社會大眾對泌尿婦科及其健康的了解。 其他組織. 香港眼科視光師學會 The Hong Kong Society of Professional Optometrists. Tel: 浸會愛群社會服務處 (健群社) Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service (Kin Kwan Social Cl. Tel: 34131641.

  6. Established in 1984, the Urogynaecology Team provides comprehensive women’s health care and offers top-notch specialized urogynaecology services to women in Hong Kong. The Urogynaecology Team is accredited by both The Hong Kong College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (HKCOG) and the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG ...

  7. 2010年7月1日 · 尿精胺檢測(Urine spermine test) 這是一種嶄新的無創前列腺癌檢測方法,由香港中文大學及浸會大學以在香港的男士為對象研發,只需收集20至30毫升的尿液便可檢測出尿精胺水平,結合直腸指檢結果、PSA水平及前列腺體積,得出「精胺風險評分」,可更準確評估前列腺癌的風險。 利用這尿精胺檢測可以避免部分男士接受不必要的抽針檢查,惟這項檢測暫時並非公立醫院的恆常檢測。 磁力共振掃描(MRI) 昔日大多利用超聲波引導進行前列腺抽針檢查,惟超聲波並不能有效分辨良性前列腺增生或前列腺癌,這樣的抽針缺乏針對性,且隨機式的抽針有機會遺漏了癌症。 目前泌尿外科醫生可利用磁力共振-超聲波融合導航定位,找出前列腺中疑似有腫瘤的位置,大大提高命中率。 前列腺抽針:經直腸vs經會陰?

  8. Hong Kong Urogynaecology Association, 九龍. 47 likes. Objectives: A) To facilitate interchange of information on Urogynaecology among members of the socie

  9. Apart from clinical service, our department is an accredited training centre recognised by The Hong Kong College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists for O&G specialists and subspecialty training in maternal fetal medicine, urogynaecology and gynaecological

  10. The urogynaecology clinic was established in our Department since March 1998. Women with lower urinary tract symptoms including urinary incontinence can be referred to this clinic for assessment. Moreover, women with the main complaint of pelvic organ prolapse with or without urinary tract symptoms can also be referred.