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  1. 2020年11月1日 · When someone says, “How are you?”, you can respond with any of these three common responses: “I’m great, thank you for asking. How about you?” “I’m feeling quite fine, thanks, and you?” “Fine, and you?” Your response to this question depends on whether you know the person and how well you know them.

  2. When someone asks you, “How are you?” they are expressing interest in your overall health and happiness. Some people simply say “how are you” instead of “hello” or “hi.” The typical responses to this question include “I’m good,” or “I’m fine.” However, in this article, we’ll provide you with a variety of answers going beyond the common answers.

  3. 2023年12月2日 · People like to ask, “How are you doing?” as a means to start an interaction with someone. It’s a relatively simple question, but sometimes it can also be difficult to answer. The person on the receiving end may not always know how to respond, especially if they’re not particularly feeling “fine” that day.

  4. 2021年10月29日 · "Hello, how are you?" 絕大多數的人都認為英文對話是這樣開始的。 當然,如果你需要用英文與對方溝通,回答這個問題是必須的, 大約有80%以上的人,即便你最近其實過得不太好也會回答"Fine, thank you. And you?",

  5. 2023年9月18日 · "How are you?" is one of the first and most important questions you'll learn in English! There are many ways to both ask this question and respond to it. From asking "How are you doing?" to answering "Great" or "I've been better," this post will help you ask and

  6. 2022年10月1日 · 【英文口說】怎麼回應 "How are you"? 3種必學道地英文讓你回答得更自然! Engoo Taiwan. 2022年9月30日 (更新於2022年10月20日) 目錄. 聽者不用花時間接受、處理你的情緒. 你也不用透露太多自己的私事.

  7. 2016年8月15日 · 說到用英文來打招呼,你一定知道”Hello” 和”How are you?”也知道可以用”I am fine.”來回答。 但英文中的問候和回應可不是只有這幾句而已! Let’s talk的英文講師針對不同的狀況和心情,列舉出了不同的英文問候語與回應句,相信學會之後,你也能更得宜地 ...