雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Difeee offers customers with HSBC, BEA, Standard Chartered and CITIBANK credit cards 6 or 12 months Interest-free Installment at NO EXTRA COST. That's right; NO EXTRA COST means $0 administration fee and $0 interests. For example, if you choose a Diamond from our website and its price is HK$ 12,000.

  2. 狄菲鑽石提供一個平台讓你選購來自世界各地最佳品質的鑽石(Diamond),均附有GIA的鑑定證書,讓你在預算之內選購到最適合的鑽石珠寶。!Tags: Diamond, 鑽石, 求婚戒指, 鑽石

  3. 100%天然鑽石保證. 100%天然鑽石保證. 顧客可100% 放心在狄菲購買的鑽石是純天然鑽石。. 隨著實驗室合成鑽石的技術日漸成熟,消費者很難確定他們購買的鑽石是天然鑽石而不是合成鑽石。. 狄菲提供業內最尖端的鑑定天然鑽石與合成鑽石的檢測儀(皆適用於 ...

  4. The ordering procedure for customers to understand Difeee Diamond ordering process. You do not require to make immediate payment when placing an order at Difeee website. Our specialist will contact you within 48 hours to confirm your order and arrange timeslot

  5. 免息分期付款計劃優惠- 狄菲提供免息分期付款計劃 - 6個月或12個月!沒有額外的費用! 顧客於推廣期內在本公司消費,以指定金額(沒有累積上限)消費滿30,000,即可獲得指定$1000購物優惠券一張+現金$1000回贈,消費滿60,000可獲購物優惠券兩張+現金$2000 ...

  6. You do not require to make immediate payment when placing an order at Difeee website. Our specialist will contact you within 48 hours to confirm your order and arrange timeslot for inspecting your diamond. Yes, there are more than one thousand certified GIA

  7. 對於閃亮奪目的珠寶首飾,有誰能夠輕易放手?. 鑽石批發、鑽石樓上鋪、珠寶店多不勝數,如何辨別鑽石真偽?. 如果對鑽石首飾情有獨鐘,你一定聽過「GIA鑽石」,那麼究竟GIA證書是什麼?.

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