雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Dragonfly 10&13-G01&G03舖. Cantina 01-1/F舖. Armoury Terrace 02-G/F舖. 大館號召熱愛探索生活和藝術文化的你,一同發掘社區活力,展開觸動心靈的藝文之旅。. 查看大館最新人氣節目及展覽,精選藝文商店及餐廳,立即計劃行程!.

  2. www.taikwun.hk › enTai Kwun

    Tai Kwun - the cultural heart of Hong Kong, inspiring and building vibrant communities. Check out the latest programmes and exhibitions, dining options and exclusive shops! Your heartfelt cultural journey awaits.

  3. 大館 X 香港演藝學院:《隔離 XX 有可疑》. 2022年7月29日 - 31日 網上 $80. 線上節目.

  4. www2.taikwun.hk › en › taikwunOur Story - Tai Kwun

    Tai Kwun is Hong Kong’s beating cultural heart, enabled by The Hong Kong Jockey Club (HKJC) in partnership with the Hong Kong SAR Government. A vibrant, welcoming space that brings people together, Tai Kwun is committed to inspiring the community through arts, culture and heritage.

  5. 香港中環荷李活道10號. 大館位於香港島中環核心地帶,彼鄰中上環區其他重要的歷史古蹟,與荷李活道、蘭桂坊及蘇豪區緊密相連。 我們的周邊社區熱鬧繁華,遍佈畫廊、古董店、餐廳和酒吧,散發濃厚的文化生活氣息。 訪客可利用多個公眾閘口輕鬆進出大館,或從中環至半山自動扶手電梯經荷李活道及奧卑利街交界處的行人天橋步行即達。 了解更多 展覽及節目 、 消閒娛樂 精選,展開你的大館旅程! 更多. 公眾使用閘口:(* 無障礙通道) 法院庭閘(亞畢諾道) 美術館閘 (奧卑利街) 藍閘(奧卑利街) 行人天橋閘(經中環至半山自動扶梯系統) 奧卑利閘(奧卑利街) 砵典乍閘*(荷李活道) 荷李活道10號閘(荷李活道) 紫荊樓閘*(亞畢諾道) 法院庭閘(亞畢諾道) 美術館閘 (奧卑利街) 藍閘(奧卑利街)

  6. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Tai_KwunTai Kwun - Wikipedia

    Prison Yard. Tai Kwun, or the Former Central Police Station Compound (CPS Compound) includes three declared monuments in Central, Hong Kong: the former Central Police Station, the Former Central Magistracy, and the Victoria Prison.

  7. Visitors to Tai Kwun can get a glimpse of heritage stories from the late 19 th century in Hong Kong through the painstakingly restored heritage buildings and large courtyards, which can be visited independently or with one of the organised tours.