雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 走進餐廳大門,您可感受到咖啡廳「即時烹調,新鮮製造」的經營理念。. 廚師於開放式廚房即席大顯身手,讓賓客品嚐最新鮮的國際美食。. 我們希望提醒閣下勤洗手的重要性,以保障您的健康和安全。. 請瀏覽 酒店政策網頁 了解我們已採取的衛生措施。. Your ...

  2. 2021年10月27日 · Cafe is an all-day dining restaurant serving an a la carte menu as well as buffets. It features four show kitchens, embracing the idea of “eating out of the pan, off the grill and out of the wok” while providing large variety of international cuisine and local delicacies.

  3. 通過 Klook 以優惠價預訂尖沙咀凱悅酒店自助餐及下午茶,享受多款國際佳餚和特色亞洲美饌! Café 咖啡廳 提供自助午餐 Lunch Buffet、自助晚餐 Dinner Buffet, 有多款沙律、冷盤、甜品及雪糕等!

  4. 2021年2月11日 · In the morning, get energized with a healthy and refreshing breakfast, or come in for the lunch buffet sessions which offer a sumptuous range of mouth-watering delicacies. Start this culinary journey with premium Japanese sashimi and sushi choices, as well as a great selection of seafood on ice.

  5. 通過 Klook 以優惠價預訂沙田凱悅酒店自助餐及下午茶,享受多款國際佳餚和特色亞洲美饌! Café 咖啡廳 提供自助午餐 Lunch Buffet、自助晚餐 Dinner Buffet、下午茶自助餐 Afternoon Tea Buffet,有多款沙律、冷盤、甜品及雪糕等!

  6. Cafe, Hyatt Regency Tsim Sha Tsui 的餐廳地址、網上訂座、電話、食評、相片及餐牌,餐廳位於 尖沙咀河內道18號香港尖沙咀凱悅酒店大堂樓層。. 主要菜式包括 龍蝦, 油甘魚, 甜品, 刺身, 煙三文魚, 雪糕, Tiramisu, 馬卡龍, 烚龍蝦, 拿破崙, 海鮮冷盤, 燒味, 芝士焗龍蝦 ...

  7. 【Cafe Hyatt Regency TST有類似優惠,只要提早兩日訂座並付全數就有六五折;儘管是年廿九晚的自助餐,也有此優惠。 受室內空間限制,食品區的佈局比較分散。

  8. 【Cafe Hyatt Regency TST】也有類似優惠,只要提早兩日訂座並付全數就有六五折;儘管是年廿九晚的自助餐,也有此優惠。 受室內空間限制,食品區的佈局比較分散。

  9. Book the buffet and afternoon tea at the Hyatt Regency Sha Tin through Klook at a preferential price, and enjoy a variety of international dishes and special Asian dishes! Café Cafe provides Lunch Buffet, Dinner Buffet, Afternoon Tea Buffet, a variety of salads, cold cuts, desserts and ice cream, etc.!

  10. 彷如置身繁華墟市的國際自助餐體驗,匯聚西方與亞洲的特色佳餚,透過美食帶您走訪各地市場。 置身維多利亞港畔,一邊享用豐盛的早、午、晚自助餐,一邊欣賞熙來攘往的都市一隅和海景。

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