雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. ICSA firewall certification demonstrates a product meets the stringent cybersecurity standards required to protect modern enterprise organizations.

  2. www.sonicwall.com › product-certifications › icsa-labsICSA Labs 认证 - SonicWall

    SonicWall NS a 3600 下一代防火墙结合基于云的 Capture ATP,采用实时深度内存检测™ (RTDMI),在检测当今最善于逃脱的威胁方面经过了大力测试,并连续 10 个季度获得了 ICSA Labs 高级威胁防御 (ATD) 认证。. 选定的威胁基于那些导致企业网络安全事件和漏洞的威胁 ...

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. 新軟多功能防火牆,一台擁有多個WAN埠的高安全性SPI防火牆;可同時銜接多條對外線路、3G / 4G網卡,提供有線/ 無線即時備援與負載平衡機制,可確保對外網路連線之穩定與暢通。. AP控制器、策略路由、頻寬管理、網站管制、認證上網、網路應用程式管制、中毒 ...

  5. www.fortinet.com › content › damFirewall - Fortinet

    ICSA Labs Firewall Certification. Following rigorous security testing at ICSA Labs, the FortiGate 400E satisfied all of the firewall security testing requirements in both the ICSA Labs baseline firewall and ICSA Labs corporate firewall testing standards. As a

  6. ICSA Labs Anti-Malware Certification. Certified Products: SonicWall TZ, NS a, NS sp, and NS v Firewalls. Cybercriminals are continuously evolving their methods to avoid detection and capitalize on unsuspecting victims; as a result, malware attacks are one of the top threats to businesses and organizations of all kinds.

  7. 2016年3月4日 · 华为公司宣布,其下一代防火墙USG和Eudemon系列在美国ICSA实验室的IPSec和SSL-TLS测试中表现卓越,不仅满足协议正确性、完整性、安全性及可管理性测试,还成功通过了IPSec“增强”测试。

  8. 華為下一代防火牆已經累計通過四項ICSA認證,獲得一次大獎。第一次是獲得ICSA Firewall和IPS雙認證,第二次是於2015年RSA大會現場獲ICSA「十年EIST卓越信息安全測試大獎」,第三次就是本次獲得的IPSec和SSL-TLS雙認證。